The Girl Who Saw the Stars

in blurttribe •  11 days ago 

There was a small village that nestled among towering mountains; there lived a girl with the name Anya, who had an odd gift: every day of time, she could see the stars. Her eyes were as blue as ink; it would seem that she pierced through the clouds to gaze into the cosmos.
Still, the people in the village feared and looked up at Anya's gift in some sort of wonder. Some thought her to be a being from the heavens, others called her cursed. But Anya did not care what people say about her. She loved the ability, and would spend her days, literally traversing the mountains to just stare at the sky.
As Anya grew older, her gift grew inside her: the feeling of the stars, knowing their energy, and understanding their movements. She learned all the constellations, the planets, and the myths that encompass them. She spent hours lost in the celestial dance, finding peace and solace in the vastness of the universe.

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One night, a meteor shower was supposed to brighten the sky. Villagers came to the top of the highest hill to see this, but unluckily, everything was covered by clouds like a veil. Just when everybody decided to leave, Anya came forward.
She threw back her head and started to sing. The voice rose, a soft, airy melody that seemed to bore through the clouds. At this proper signal, the clouds parted to show the star-filled heavens. A streak, a flash-the meteors flashed in across the heavens, followed by the awestruck gaze of villagers.
Anya's gift had saved the day once more. From that day forward, she was considered a protector from heaven. People in town consulted her on everything, from the weather and crops to personal issues. Anya used her gift selflessly to help other people and would always remind them, while doing so, that the stars should be a solace and guide.
As Anya grew older, she became an insightful and respectful elder within her village. She shared knowledge about the stars with the younger generation: constellations, planets, and myths attributed to them. She also encouraged them to look to the sky for inspiration in the vastness of the universe.
One day, one little boy came to Anya and asked if she had ever seen a shooting star. Anya smiled and replied, "Yes, I have. And it's beautiful. But you know what's more beautiful? That we are all connected with the stars. We're all from stardust, and our life is part of a cosmic dance.
The boy looked up towards the sky and nodded. "I shall never forget that," he said.
And thus Anya continued letting the world have her gift, reminding one and all of the beauty and wonder of the stars. In a world too often dark and unsure, she was a beacon of hope. Though she was no longer a young girl, any longer, her spirit was bright, shining like the stars she so dearly loved.

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