in blurttribe •  2 years ago 


Hello friends welcome to my blog today!
Trust everyone is doing great?
In my today's blog I want to share with you all a brief story of how I was embarrassed at the market as a result of students bad habit.


Sometimes in life unexpected happens and we can only accept it the way there happens because ups and downs is bound to happen in once life and we are not in the position to change nature or people's behavior.

It happened on a cool evening after a sunny and hetic day together with lots of assignment that I brought back from school that very day, after having my bath I rush down to the market to get vegetables and ice fish to make something for dinner before attending to my lined up assignment.
I was having just #2200 with me which I used 200 for my bike fair I was Left with 2000......... 2 note of #1000 each Nigeria currency note, immediately I came down from the bike I checked for my customer that I usually buy ice fish from but she was not around I decided to buy from her next neighbor she brought out different size of fish I picked one which she said was #700 I negotiated for 500 of which she accepted I gave her #1000 and ask her to cut the fish while I go into the market to get other things.

After buying the rest things I needed for the meal I needed to pay for the fresh tomatoes which was worth #300 I asked the lady to follow me so I could collect my change from the woman I bought fish from.

Getting to the lady's shop I asked for my change so I can pay the lady I bought tomatoes from, only for her to give me my fish and concluded she gave me my change before I left 🙄
At first I taught she was kidding because of how busy she was busy customers in her shop not until the lady I bought tomatoes from started shouting that I should settle her that she needs to go back to her shop.
And I asked for the change again for the second time and she started screaming saying if I taught she was drunk when I came to her shop "oh! Do you think am one of these market women you students buy things from and claim to pay without paying? Today you will see the other side of me "
I was so confused on what to do the lady I bought tomatoes from was already shouting which drawed the attention of other traders even when I tried talking to the woman with a low tune to recall when I gave her the money all to no avail 🥺
I was so bittered because I don't have any other money with me either to pay for the fish non to go home, I was just standing like a Statue looking at the woman why the other lady I bought tomatoes was just shouting to the extent I have to return her tomatoes to her which I was glad she collected it from me after insulting me then going home became another problem.
While I was still standing someone tapped me from behind and said to me _"I taught you are a strong girl look at how you are disgracing your self in the market" _
I turned to look at the person it happen to be the boy in my school that has been asking me out for a relationship but I turned him down, before I could say a word he squeezed #1000 in my hand and said "broke bitch I know you need it"

I was so crazy about the whole cenero but I have no choice than to collect the money then I went ahead to pay for the tomatoes 🍅 and find way home.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

What a day for you..

It's was really not funny and I never wish to experience such day in my life again.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

My phone was about shutting down when I was reading this in the morning, so I quickly reblurted so I can easily find it. I have just finished charging my phone and I've also read it.

Indeed some market women are so annoying. Most of them do these things because you don't buy things from them, and then when the person you normally buy from is unavailable and you meet them, they treat you very bad. Some will utter annoying words that will really prick you and if you don't control yourself, you might react in an unpleasant way.

And as for that guy that helped you but uttered such words on you, he must be a very stupid person to have done that. You can't force someone to love you or go out with you. If you've tried everything in your power to ask a girl out and she refuses, it is best to continue your life. Because he helped you that day doesn't make him a hero. I hope he knows that. I'm sure he must have gossiped the whole incident with his friends which of course you shouldn't care.
I am so sorry you had to go through that that day.

My dear @vectorshore is part of life unexpected happens in life so the best is to take it when ever it happens.
I have learnt my lessons to always go to the market with extra money and as for the guy God bless him for helping me out that day for his unpleasant words na him and hin God Sabi

i really appreciate your time...... Thank you for visiting my blog 😘.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

You're very welcome.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Hmm customer service in this part of Africa is so annoying and non existent. Sometimes you just have to push back and stand your ground for them to respect you. 100% upvote hope it help with some tomatoes next time. Keep a little change aside for transport when you can so you can tell that boy to fuck off next time with his comments and money.


@leifasaur Wow!

This is so kind of you 😍 I deeply appreciate.
You know as a student what to buy in the market those not finish, The only way I avoid unnecessary spending in other not to run out of money before the end of the semester is to always go to the market with the exact money I want to spend for each day, but from what happened I believe I have learnt my lessons.

For the market woman I couldn't argue with her because she knows very well that she didn't given me change she was only vexed because I usually don't petronize her else my main customer did come to market.

And I believe that boy is the last thing I can even think off till enternity, because I really hate humans of such behavior, I couldn't give him back the money that day because I was already confused on how to go home the money was just my only option.
Remember God can even use your enemy to deliver for a some situation 🤣.

Kind regards 🤗

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Ok better luck on your next trip to the market then.