in blurttribe •  2 years ago 


What was your day like today?

Trust in God

There are days when we feel like Paul; we just want to write letters and strengthen our brothers.

There are days when we feel like Peter; we just want to deny everything and everyone.

There are days when we feel like Job; we just want to die and end the pain and suffering.

There are days when we feel like Solomon; we want advice to make decisions.

There are days when we feel like Jonah; we just want to escape our responsibilities.

There are days when we feel like Moses; afraid of not being able to speak.

There are days when we feel like Sarah; sad because of something that didn't happen and we "laughed" because we thought it was impossible.

There are days when we feel like the Good Samaritan; we want to do good no matter what.

There are days when we feel strong like Joshua and Caleb; ready for war.

There are days when we feel like Jeremiah, the anguish of our heart is too great.

There are days when we feel like Daniel; our strength is in prayer and no one can stop us.

There are days when we feel like Elijah; we prefer to hide in the cave.

There are days when, like David and Miriam, we feel like singing and dancing.

There are days when we feel like Hannah; we don't really want to eat, we just want to cry.

There are days when we have faith like Abraham, to win it all, jump over walls and overcome armies.

There are days when we look at the hills and wonder, “Where will my help come from"?

It does not mean that we are strong or weak. It means that we are just human and have limits and therefore we need God's power to accomplish our daily purpose on earth.

I don't know what your day is like today. But remember, "Whatever your day is like, the Almighty God is with you today, tomorrow, and forever."


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