The Destructive Nature of Pride and the Transformative Power of Humility

in blurttribe •  8 months ago 


Stubborn pride leads to hardened hearts. Its violent attempts to gain power are misguided and insecure. Stubborn pride behaves as if it has it all together and doesn't need anyone's help, including God. Its stiff approach is irritating while attempting to resolve competing issues. The requirements of stubborn pride is unrealistic, and its view is skewed towards itself. Stubborn pride rejects change and overlooks opportunities for progress for the benefit of the project, team, or family. Everyone has to be mindful of stubborn pride creeping into their views and acts.

Stubborn pride precludes relational involvement, which necessitates confession and forgiveness. There is a resistance to genuineness because it implies admitting faults and shortcomings. Stubborn pride will burrow itself further into remote living before risking being discovered. In actuality, observant people are already aware of the sham and manipulation perpetrated by a man or woman who is unwilling to accept mistakes. Humility will assist someone who has been seduced by stubborn pride; stubborn pride dissolves under the heat of humbleness.

God has a way of taking control away from arrogant pride. He will not let stubborn pride choke His slaves. His aim is to unravel the spell of unyielding pride and turn it into genuine reality. Humility implies that you will fight fairly together. You sincerely listen to your spouse's or coworker's point of view without becoming defensive or passing judgment too early. You have the desire to adapt for greater good and to please your Savior.

The Lord respects us too much to let us suffer under the weight of stubborn pride. We, like untamed stallions with boundless willpower and energy, require breaking and training. God the Almighty is our supreme instructor and Trainer. He employs all methods required to capture our attention. His Holy Spirit is responsible for breaking our will and aligning our inner being with His. God is trying to gain our attention. We may be angry at others, but our argument is against Christ.

The Spirit's conviction is what makes us cringe and retreat from obstinate pride's relationship poison. Christ's brokenness teaches us to let go of command and trust in Him. He strips us of our own strength. He challenges us to be courageous for Him. He breaks us down and shapes us into reasonable individuals who respect the opinions of others. Instead of negotiating with stubborn pride, use the tool of humility to smash it down and replace it with affection, reverence, and forgiveness. God's brokenness undermines pride.


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