Weekend Movie🎬 : A quiet place

in blurttribe •  2 years ago 

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Duration: 90 min
Release on: 06 Apr 2018
Genre: Drama, Horror, Sci-Fi, Thriller

They must maintain their daily existence in silence to avoid being eaten by predators that hunt by sound. A Quiet Place is such an intriguing idea because of how straightforward the premise is, yet the execution takes it to new heights. The fear factor in A Quiet Place comes from the tension and suspense the director develops throughout. Moments like this one caused me to clench my seat's armrests and hold my breath several times. With regard to the acting, A Quiet Place boasts a cast that gives excellent performances, which is the uncommon of the rare in horror movies. Blunt and Krasinski do a fantastic job of capturing the parents' yearning to keep their kids safe despite the fact that protecting their children is something that parents should always do.

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Going into the movie, child performers typically give me pause, but Simmonds in particular stands out as being really strong in this one. Simmonds' performance is noteworthy because of the authenticity she brings to the proceedings as a deaf performer. There were a few sequences that I wished Krasinski had developed more, but those were only a few minor complaints that can be put aside in favor of the creativity used to create a horror movie that has the potential to become a classic. It's noteworthy that the entire audience was silent the entire time, indicating that the movie has had the intended impact.


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Both the positive and negative effects that kids have on their parents and the continual dread that comes with trying to safeguard our kids are clearly visible. The cinematography was excellent; several of the shots were interesting and well-shot, which only served to heighten the tension in certain instances. Not only because of what they do, but also because of how they appear, the creatures are badass as heck and undoubtedly terrifying.

Here's the movie trailer




Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org
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I've watched that too my friend @obikay it's a good movie my ratings 8.9/10