We Are Of The Lord ⛪

in blurttribe •  last year 

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Daniel decided to follow God in everything he did. Daniel did not give in when things were tough; he still took time to worship God and pray. He made the decision to pray to God in the morning and at night.

Daniel didn't feel bad about his sacramental relationship with God. Because of what they hope to gain from non-Christians, some Christians find it impossible to even bring up Jesus in front of them. Herbalists never feel ashamed of their idols, unlike the majority of Christians who are embarrassed to publicly confess Christ.
Your issues and the devil are already deceased, just like a lifeless snake that is laying bare on the ground.

Anything you confess to God will be done. The mouth has a special anointing.

Everyone who is close to God experiences success. The fact that Daniel had a close relationship with God and had mistaken the city of Babylon for God ultimately led to his inclusion among the distinguished men of the land of Babylon.

If you are drawn away from God's presence, the promises He has made to you might not come to pass in your life. If the promises of God are wasted in a man's life, he cannot provide testimony and will continually be in crisis.

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If a man does not belong to God, his destiny can be confined. Since Daniel was a child of light whose light could be seen even in the Lion's den, his destiny was unbounded. Jesus stands up for people who belong to Him. When the dead are His, God has the authority to go to their grave and resurrect them.

Daniel was possessed, yet because God owned him, God forbade any spells from being used against him. A person who is a portion of God is immune from possession. Unless he invites it, a child of light cannot turn into a slave of darkness. Your door won't open if you tightly seal it. They bewitched Daniel by compelling their king to make a decree forbidding people from worshipping to deities other than the king's deity.

They tried everything they could to silence Daniel. The lesser of the two gods, the devil, has been defeated on the Calvary Cross.

When you are a child of God, every word that God says feeds your life and your destiny. The best food you can eat to maintain your life and secure your future is the written word of God. What is the exact verse from the Bible that you hold onto? How you locate yourself will determine what the land produces for you.

Here's my song of the day





Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org
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