Movie🎬 Thursday : Alita

in blurttribe •  2 years ago 

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Runtime: 122 min
Release on: 13 Feb 2019
Genre: Action, Romance, Sci-Fi, Thriller

Given how fantastic this film was, let me advise that James Cameron and Robert Rodriguez should work together more often. The film's breathtaking setting and scenery were created using stunning visual effects and CGI.

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Rosa Salazar, who also delivered the character's voice, gave Alita's eyes amazing attention to detail. This gave Alita, played by Salazar, a more realistic human actress-like appearance on screen. A young woman who is attempting to define herself gets taken on an emotional journey by the writing since it is so brilliantly done. Her persona and acting were the highlights of the film. They endow her with a soul and a reason to live. Together with the action sequences and the supporting cast, the romantic subplot in the film is so expertly done that it doesn't feel forced. As a result, the entire production is nothing short of perfect.

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The story does an excellent job of not revealing too much too early in order for you to comprehend the plot and be captivated into every scene. This is matched by the film's fantastic fight scenes and formidable villains, who further improve the plot.

Some of the best action moments I've ever seen are in this movie, and the world is absolutely breathtaking. The story moves a little bit swiftly, but it doesn't feel rushed. Alita is a wonderful character; she is kind-hearted, gullible, naive, and protective.


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Throughout the course of the movie, Alita grows as a person and discovers lessons about sacrifice, loss, love, and the horrors of the human mind. Alita is such a good girl in such a horrific world that you can't help but feel incredibly sad for an innocent being like her when she is exposed to the harsh world of Iron City. This is what endears Alita to us. Even though I wasn't familiar with the original material, I really liked this movie. Given how quickly I developed an interest in it, I had to watch it again.

Here's the movie trailer




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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

It's a good movie that made me have a good time but in terms of the story I much prefer the original manga Gunnm