God is not yet finished with you ⛪

in blurttribe •  last year 

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Our society is nasty and depraved. Some people simply enjoy making fun of others, while others fail to appreciate the benefits of others' successful endeavors. When you are facing difficulties in life, some individuals will speak negatively to you, much as Job's wife told him to "curse God and die." His wife believed that everything was over and didn't find anything positive in him.

Some of the results that God gives people are deemed impossible by others since they are only feasible with God and not with humans.
When Job was going through a difficult situation, his wife tried to discourage him.

There are certain outcomes that turn your mockers into your slaves.

God's presence in our lives will most likely produce amazing results that will make mockers go away. Nobody can contest a successful outcome. Good things happen to those who carry God's presence; their passion for God never goes out. You are required when you are loaded. An empty woman is not what a man needs. God expects you to generate positive results because you carry God and are a carrier of God's image.

The outcome you get depends on the presence you have. The presence of God silences mockers. A bearer of God's glory is a carrier of his presence. When a God's carrier enters a location, darkness disappears. The answer to generation is a conduit of God's presence.

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Examples from the Bible

  • Every debate and discussion about Lazarus came to an end when he came back to life after having been dead for four days, as recorded in John 11:1-44. In this instance, his sister was the main dissident who attempted to put an end to Lazarus' miracles. Even when they are extremely close to you, some people can be discouraging and lead you to believe you are incapable of doing anything positive.
    Never forget, man, that God is still working with you. Don't change before he visits you. Always keep in mind that people are capable of good deeds. You cannot survive in this world without interacting with people. Never judge someone. To find your treasure, open your eyes. God is capable of anything, according to Ephesians 3:20. Anything can be used by God to make your glory known. God can use anything to guide you to your resources and helpers.

  • When David severed the head of Goliath 1 Kings 17:1–50. They made fun of him and attempted to stop him from facing Goliath because they believed he was too little to do so, but King Saul gave him the chance to do so, and he defeated Goliath. His brothers all froze in disbelief and stopped talking. Some outcomes that occur in a man's life stun his adversaries, causing them to stop speaking. When God provides you results, a new song is inspired.

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  • Samuel was one of several children born to Hannah 1 Samuel 1:10. She had previously been ridiculed by the populace for being infertile, but God intervened, turning their ridicule into a miracle. The people's scorned and despised womb gave birth to six offspring. They had given up on her womb, but God changed the situation.

  • 2 Kings 2:1–15 Elisha received a double part of Elijah's cloak. The other sons of the prophet scoffed at Elisha when he crossed the Jordan with Elijah, but they prostrated themselves at his feet when he returned carrying Elijah's robe.

God's intentions for you are for good, not for ill.

Living a deserving life, one that is filled with holiness and justice, is the best outcome a man can achieve. Sin is not a good indicator of how things will turn out in your life.

It is not a positive outcome if your life is filled with evil. Connect with the person who can help you achieve success.

Here's my song of the day





Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org
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