Our Value System

in blurttribe •  3 years ago 

Good afternoon from this part of the world to all Blurtians. Looking around for what makes you happy could be a task that you will never be able to accomplish. Recently, I listened to a blessed (black) preacher in an America-based church who made some assertions that let me re-thinking.
The changes we yearn for will not come except the value system is changed.

Years ago, America which is referred to as God's own country built her system around the morals of a good society from the home front. Godly virtues were taught in the home and from the pulpit and the effects are seen in every facet of life on an average American citizen.


From the national anthem to the school curriculum, people were brought up to make society a place of peace and neighbourliness. Every life counts. But this seems to have become history.
I wonder where we got it all wrong. There was a time when in school we say prayers before anything was done, teaching the children, the leaders of tomorrow how to lead a life that can be productive and advantageous to the community at large, all that looks like a mirage now.

In our world today, since the other nations in parts of Europe, Africa, and Asia and following the lead of America, they now eat the same cross that America dishes.
The home front has since lost its place in bringing up people that will better society. Children now learn from Hollywood how to manage crises. The shootings in schools and whatnot have their foundation in the exposure the children have over the time gotten from what they watch through the print and electronic media.
I used to know that censorship was highly held back in the days. Not all movies or videos or even songs are published. The censorship board scrutinised what is televised.
What do we have today?
People can't do music without alcohol and nudity. Without flashy cars and smoking weed.

Where is our value system?

The rate of separation and divorce is currently alarming. More than 50% of the supposed married women are now living as single with their so-called husband's estranged or on the run.
Our value system, I mean what I met with my grandparents isn't here anymore.
People now place more value on material wealth than community living standards. The spirit of individualism has worn itself on man. The reason why you tend to see young people seeking to break through the walls of a bank and steal the treasures they won't be able to account for is to become motivators for a better world.


I think it is high time we started asking our government to put these things straight. Rather than waging war against one another, rather than engaging in a cold war of armament to become the most powerful nation in the world. We should begin to think of building men of integrity, who will in turn make the world better than it is right now.

Have you considered the rate of abortion in the world lately?

I heard someone saying that the world's population is too much, that there is a need for reductions. We should be able to consider first things first.
Children are now parents. The world is celebrating teenage pregnancy. Counting from the world figure number of children born in a year, you'd find out that they are born by underage girls.
This is only indicating one thing.


Sex which used to be a sacred thing is now a toy play. Every Tom and Harry is practising it without anyone raising an eyebrow.
Let it be known today that our wealth as a people is not by the resources that we possess.
Natural resources are not enough to make a nation great. My beloved Nigeria, land of the black gold, has never had it better. Though she has endowment in natural resources, yet her people still live in abject poverty.
Until a nation gets her value system right, it will continue to wallow in social failure and systemic redundancy.

We need to go back to the drawing board. The home, school, religious institutions and the government would have to check with cursory attention where we got it wrong.

Communal living is possible but without resonating to the values of humanity, there is little that can be achieved.
First published Here

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