How It Went Down: My Saturday!

in blurttribe •  2 years ago 


Good evening Blurtans. It's another Saturday and as usual, it should be for parties. Maybe weddings or some sort of other occasion. Wedding receptions are the best to attend on a normal Saturday.

As a wedding guest, people don't usually attend the church proceedings, they only want to catch the fun. So, they'd wait till the solemnization is over before they step to the wedding reception hall.
Today, I have two events to attend and that would be after the completion of all chores that must be attended to.

Having attended a vigil last night, my eyes are full of sleep. I thought of having some sleep before attending to this post. Two to three hours should be able to take care of the sleep I aborted last night.

….. Three Hours Later

Now I feel relieved to tell you guys how this Saturday goes. I have an outline activity to carry out today. I have to clean the bathroom then cut some sprouting grasses then prepare to join to a wedding reception.


One of our traditions is to ensure that our bath is washed every weekend. This is to aid us to have some cool bath with hygienic measures taken.
If there are grown grasses, the weekend especially Saturday is the best work around the house.
Of course there are grown grasses and I am going to be cutting them, rather running them into the form of a lawn would be finer.

Since I do not have conventional garden, there will be no need to work there. What I had done is to plant some native vegetables that could play the role of herbs when needed. For example, there is bitter leaf and Nchanwu which is also called scent leaf. You barely will see an Igbo man that does not have these two plant around his premises.

The bathroom does not necessarily have to smell before one should wash and disinfect it. The bathroom and the kitchen are the two most sensitive part of a home
There ought to be hygienic care for it.

The first thing to do when you decide to wash the bathroom is to mix water with detergent and some drops of disinfectant in it. As you wash, you will have to rinse immediately so that the first does not stick to the walls or sink ot bowl.

After the washing, clean water should ne used to flush the toilet bowl and the floor. We should not be lazy with this to avoid contracting infection, especially through the toilet sit. We should always keep out bath clean.

Still having about four hours to go for the wedding reception, I joined my wife in washing. It is the best I could do to assist her.

She had gone far with the washing so I had to join in by rinsing and sun drying the washed clothes. It's going to be a great for her, don't you think so?

Now that we are done sun drying the washed clothes in the lines, it time to party.

I love to party, hope you love it. My ideal party is one where there is enough to eat and drink, one where the master of ceremony is class, and could crack my ribs with enough jokes. He must be spontaneous.

Fully dressed, I ventured into the waiting cab and zoomed off. The party is around the Ikeja part of Lagos. That's the capital city of Lagos. You must have learnt about the popular Allen Avenue with antics of some kind of crazy life.

The party was just beginning when I reached the exotic hall decorated with wine colour blinds mixed with gold. The chairs are covered in some bright colour linen shroud.

Before long, other guests started trouping in. I had taken my seat opposite the couples tent so that I don't get to miss any part of the event.

It's been long I attended a wedding party though, this one is a class. I enjoined every bit of it.

Served foods was wow. The big chunk of meat on the fried rice with salad made the party another tale to tell.

When it was time to dance, I took the floor by storm, did a little spraying of cash on the couple and had my share of the souvenir.

That's how the weekend had been on the part of Lagos and for me too.
***First Published Here

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  ·  2 years ago  ·