Cut Short~ A Two Hour Sleeplessness

in blurttribe •  2 years ago 


Last night was horrible. This is not an exaggeration, I mean every bit of the word. Usually, I sleep by 9:00pm except on Friday when I go to bed a little late, knowing that Saturday isn't a work day. So, last night after dinner, I jumped into bed and zoomed, I landed in the middle of nowhere.

It was a dream though, I saw some men wielding weapons of mass destruction. Out of nothing, I found myself compelling them never to use that on anybody. We aren't in a war time, how come these men would be bringing such ammunition to public places.

What aggravated the argument with these men was the recent killing somewhere in Western Nigeria.

While the argument was on, women and children who saw what these men were holding in their hands started running to the shelter.

Suddenly, I woke up. I had heard something like a loud bang at the door. Or maybe it was a supposed explosion. The clock hanging on the wall was at 2:34AM. I still have about two hours to sleep but sleep refused to take me.

I tried some therapy, first by closing eyes, yet sleep would not come. That was how I stayed awake till when it was time to prepare for work. I just hope I will be able to carry out my official tasks today.

A few minutes ago, I joined the staff bus with the radio on. A discussion is ongoing. Like these guys knew my predicament, they are just hitting me up with what might have gone wrong which might have resulted into sleeplessness.

Care-Giver Duties

The first contributor to the discussion, a female, likely a nursing mother was of the view that when a mother ought to sleep but the baby is disturbing since there is usually no other person who can take care of the immediate needs of the baby, then she had to rise to the occasion and ensure she play the role by sacrificing her sleep.
I tried applying this to my predicament, it did not match because I am not caring for a child that should be able to sleep at night or one that wouldn't be able to help himself when the need arises at night.
Everything within my reach is enough to make me have a sound sleep.
I think this caller has started a fact but it is not my own kind of issue for a sleepless night.
Then the next caller came through.

Using Substance

As much as some substances can stimulate sleep, at some point, it leads to a break. You know, taking substances could interrupt your sleep and make you wake up earlier than usual. At some point, it changes the pattern of sleep by increasing snoring.

This caller made me move on my seat. I remember I had to use cough syrup last night as recommended by a medical professional though. So, it was not like I took it on my volition. I am partially convinced now that the syrup disturbed my sleep.

Other callers made their points too. They mention some medical terms like dementia, narcolepsy, restless legs syndrome and so on.
The top of the programme for me was when the effects of sleeplessness were discussed. Some shocking revelations were discussed.
Sleeplessness weakens the immune system. The caller who discussed this was quite explicit. I think she is a medical student or something. She said that sleeplessness could result in frequent colds and respiratory disease. For me, that is shocking.
It could also lead to emotional problems like anger and resentment.
When an individual does not have enough sleep, he or she would likely change his diet. After a sleepless night, the urge to take food or drink that has a high level of caffeine will arise.
Now that all these points have been made, it is expedient to have enough sleep because in the nearest future, one may be a victim of some kind of ailment.

In my own case, I wouldn't say anxiety caused me a sleepless night, that too hour alertness is a long time to have some quality rest.
A nap sometimes within a free period can calm the nerves and re-energize you for the work ahead of you.

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Sleeplessness is a big issue for many people especially those that are having issues related to insomnia.

Of course, just a night of sleeplessness would not be called insomnia. In your case, you seem to have a good sleep routine. Taking a nap or just taking a moment of break during work hours will also help to calm your nerves.

This is an insightful content.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Having sleepless night is a serious issues, in which someone need to deal with and take care of 😗