Call Me Again ~ The Concluding Episode

in blurttribe •  2 years ago 

Read episode one Here

The blood screening exercise was the first heartbreak I got after the wedding gifts that we haven't had time to open. Talking about our wedding gifts, we took them to my old man's house on the island of Brass because we had to travel for our honeymoon. We did have a fair chance to open them to see many surprises.

I became so dejected about the result of the blood screening. What came to mind was if my Lilian was a cheat. For me, there is no way she could have become so unfaithful because we were always together. But now that the results are in, I wouldn't doubt it.

For now, all that matters to me is the health status of our son, Dan. I demanded that the hospital should provide us with Dan's blood type so that the medical process can commence immediately. As much as I wanted to ask Lilian to explain what the matter is, I needed to concentrate on Dan first.

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We did all we could and Dan became well again.

I started noticing a change in the attitude of Lilian. She wasn't free with me the way she had been from the day we got married. Two weeks later, we went to eat out and I asked her to tell me everything. She snapped and yelled at me.

It was not like I wanted to humiliate her. All that was done was for her to have a serene environment where we could discuss this matter. Now that she has taken it to the extreme, something drastic must be done.

Lilian left me at the restaurant and boarded a taxi home while I sat there and dug my food with much enthusiasm.

By the Inarrived home, she was already packing her luggage. I did not bother to stop her because I was angry and should not be at the receiving end. I felt like my world was falling apart. Lilain had no reason to be unfaithful. Everything a woman may need was what I made available to her.

When she saw that I wasn't moved by her actions, she came at me in the living and started yelling at how I belittled her at the restaurant with my supposed annoying question.

I looked at Lilian in the eye and asked her again:

Who is the father of Dan?

Now, she became silent and then broke into crying.

Lilian, don't be a joke. You are just hypnotizing me. Tell me what I need to hear.

She told me how I have offered her everything but failed to satisfy her in bed. I felt so bad. I thought she was just being liberal. Every other time we had fun in bed as husband and wife, I initiated it. I had on several occasions told her to initiate intimacy when she feels so.

That was it.

Save me all that excuse and tell me who is the father of our supposed son.

I said this as mildly as possible. I love my wife, no doubt. Now, it had dawn on me like I did what is forbidden.

At this moment, I started reminiscing about what my friend Emma had told me about women. He said he has over three side-chicks.

For me, that was not necessary. My wife was enough for me. She is the most beautiful woman in the world and I am not ready to lose her.

After all said and done, Lilian told me that it was Musa, our guard at the gate was the one who got her in the family way.

She recounted how Musa mate with her in the flower garden. That was the most annoying part of it. The woman I cherished so much, going down with my staff. That was the height of it all. I just asked her to leave my presence at once.

It has been six months and I haven't been able to get over it. I love Lilian with all of my heart and now I have become so lonely. Every evening, I would go to the beachfront and stare my sorrow away.

Even though Lilian had been a dirty woman, taking her body that I cherished and paid dowry for to another man. Does she really deserve to be with me? That has been my dilemma for months. Can my heart find another woman to love? Would I ever fall in love again?

The End.

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