A divided nation.

in blurttribe •  2 years ago 

12 sept 2022


The thing about a divided country is that it can only survive for so long before it tears itself apart.Every day, it seems like the divide between liberals and conservatives gets wider and wider. People are getting more and more entrenched in their own beliefs, and are unwilling to listen to anyone who disagrees with them.

It's easy to place the blame on politicians or the media, but the truth is that a divided country is always going to be its own worst enemy. As long as people are unwilling to open their minds and try to understand each other, the country will continue to fall apart.

       Co-Operation Is Key


Cooperation is key if a country is to thrive. Unfortunately, in a divided country, cooperation is often the first thing to go out the window.

When people are divided, they become more focused on their own needs and less interested in the needs of others. This often leads to a breakdown in communication, as people are less likely to listen to (or even try to understand) those with whom they disagree.

The end result is a country that is torn apart from the inside-out. People become resentful of one another, and the sense of community that is so essential for a thriving society slowly disintegrates.

The Importance of Co-Operation


Cooperation is essential for a country to function effectively. When different groups of people work together, they can achieve great things.But what happens when different groups of people can't or won't cooperate? A country can quickly fall apart. This is what is happening in Nigeriaright now.

The people are divided into two camps: those who support the president and those who don't. And these two camps are constantly at war with each other. They can't agree on anything and they refuse to work together.The results are disastrous. The country is falling apart because of all the infighting and hatred. It's a bleak outlook for Nigerian’s future.

How a Lack of Co-Operation Leads to a Divided Country

If you want to see how a divided country tears itself apart, look no further than Nigeria.For years, the country has been bitterly divided along political lines, with Politicians and Civilians staunchly opposed to each other. This lack of co-operation has led to gridlock in Congress, and policy decisions that are best for no one.The biggest victims of this political stalemate are the Nigerianpeople. With a government that can't agree on anything, the country can't move forward. Schools are falling apart, the economy is in shambles, and the healthcare system is a mess.

It doesn't have to be this way. If Nigerians could learn to work together, they could build a stronger and more prosperous country for everyone. But sadly, that seems like a dream that will never come true.

Examples of Countries That Are Divided


You may be wondering why a divided country is such a big deal. After all, doesn't every country have its own groups of people who disagree with each other?The thing is, when those groups are large and actively fighting against each other, it can tear the whole country apart. Not to mention, it creates an unstable environment that's ripe for corruption and economic disaster.

Just look at some examples of countries that are currently divided: the United States of America, Cyprus, India, and Sudan. In each case, the division is causing major problems for the people living there. So what can we learn from them? That a divided country is not only bad for democracy and peace, but also for the economy.

How to Bring a Divided Country Together

It's no secret that NIGERIA is a nation divided. Political correctness, the #MeToo movement, and the BUHARI presidency have all contributed to an increasingly tense and hostile climate. So what can be done to bring us back together?

Well, the first step is to open up a dialog. Start by listening to what the other side has to say, and be prepared to have your assumptions challenged. It's important not to immediately dismiss opinions that differ from your own, but rather to see them as an opportunity for growth.

Second, we need to acknowledge our shared values. Regardless of our political beliefs, we're all Nigerians first and foremost. We need to remember that we're all in this together, and that we can only succeed if we work together.

Finally, we need to start taking action. We can't just talk about coming together; we need to start working towards it. That means being willing to compromise, cooperating with one another, and standing up for what's right even when it's difficult. United we stand, divided we fall.

Steps to Take to Prevent Division in a Country

It's no secret that Nigerian is a divided country. And while it's tempting to point fingers and place blame, the truth is that we're all responsible for where we are today. So what can WE do to prevent further division?

Here are a few steps to take:

  1. Listen more and talk less. It's easy to get caught up in our own opinions, but until we really listen to the other side, nothing will change.

  2. Seek out different perspectives. If all we do is surround ourselves with people who share our own views, we're never going to learn anything new.

  3. Embrace diversity. Nigeria is a melting pot, and that's what makes us wonderful We should be proud of our differences, not ashamed of them.

  4. Stand up for what you believe in. If we all stay silent, nothing will ever change. Speak out against injustice and hatred, even if it means standing alone.

  5. Seek common ground. It's possible to agree to disagree on certain topics. Find the things you both agree on and build from there.

  6. Promote tolerance and understanding. We can't move forward if we don't understand each other, and that starts with tolerance and acceptance.


A divided country is a country in trouble. When different parts of the population can't agree on anything, the country is torn apart. The government can't make decisions, the economy suffers, and the people are angry and frustrated.

It's time for our country to come together. We need to find common ground, and we need to start listening to each other. Only then can we move forward and build a better future for our children.

Thank you for reading this article was first written and published on read.cash

✌🏼 Peace .

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Kindly source the images for your post.

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