in blurttribe •  3 years ago 

The woman is a champion of her course. She is strong, she is intuitive, which is more biological than magical. The woman had been trained for years to absorb pain. Her cycle and what it brings along with it teach her to manage pain and become emotionally mature than her male counterparts. According to a study conducted at McGill University, women have a higher threshold for pain than men.

She is resourceful and also a survivor. A saying has it that when the going gets tough in the home, the woman takes the lead. It is a general belief, saliently held in some societies and vividly held in some others, that women should not exercise power on any dimension. Given more right to power within the family setting, she expresses herself fully and proves herself worthy. She uses her knowledge and resource to bring to the limelight a people that are seen as those worthy to hold power – her family. She is the frame behind the picture. The question often goes like this. Who is your greatest inspiration in life? And the answer most likely lauds the role of the woman in the life of the artist.

Why capable women neglect power?

She knows how to get the job done but maybe skeptical of what her internalized self thinks of her rising to the place of power irrespective of her abilities. It may feel she is extending her world to alien parlance. So when she does the job, she tries not to take full credit for what she has done as opposed to her male counterpart who sings his eulogy. She knows she is better at some procedures than the male folks and may feel greater rewards, power, and recognition for her actions. Such desires are often blocked by fear and self-criticisms because it may not agree with her the internalized view of herself formed through the years on the foundation of societal precept. She is warned of societal disapproval and guilt of being seen as seeking undue power.

Why her powers may be seen as selfish?

The woman with the inclination to use her power for her gratification will often be opposed by the absorbed societal view of herself and society. She is seen as compliant when she uses her power to the good of others and maybe herself inclusive, but the idea of using such power for her use likely raises selfish suspicions on her part. She avoids the tendency of being seen as selfish, so will often use her power for the good of others, sometimes even in her discomfort.

For instance, a woman is more likely to forgo her educational aspirations just to make sure her family is comfortable. This may not be a negative view per se but is rightly judged from context.

Her fear of power

She fears power may cause her to be independent. And her psyche tells her that an independent woman abandons those she loves. She craves recognition but will likely antagonize her actions based on societal induction that infers that she would become destructive to herself if she attains the height of her heart desire. She also fears she may be abandoned by friends, family, and society.

Because her role in the family is invaluable, and the family is the microcosm of the society, it is a well-known fact that the deviation or consummation of a woman by power is drastic to both the family, the community, the culture, civilization, and the social order of things; therefore restrictions have been placed on her over the centuries to maintain social order. These restrictions, however, are being contended against in this 21st century because it is argued that it has taken the right to full expression from her. Her struggle is not left without result, as she is making progress across the dimensions of society. The woman is not wrong to be careful about her use of power but must consider her full strength and weakness while executing such powers.


The woman should be aware of her abilities and exercise her power while keeping her world in check. A woman who does not understand her abilities may not be able to understand her shortcomings. A sharp knife that underestimates its abilities may end up cutting through the flesh of its owner. So also should the woman be aware of what she can do and undo.

She must understand the WHY and not just the HOW and WHAT in using her power. And should not withhold her glow from a world that needs her impact, just because she feels unsure of what her society or even herself approves of her.

Note: An independent woman is not necessarily a feminist nor a feminist necessarily an independent woman.

Note : This is subjective content and is not representative of all women but a good statistical number based on psychological research.
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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank you for your continuous support @ctime

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I Love this post. Nice one.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I am glad you appreciate the content, thank you @joshbam.