Self Introspection

in blurttribe •  3 years ago  (edited)
Humans seem to have an urge for greatness. We are intrinsically wired with the urge to be great. We love perfect relationships, flourishing business, adoration from people, celebrity outlook, and so many other great accomplishments.

“It is in your hands to become what you want to be.” “You are the only one in this world who would ever be like you.” “God has made you great.” “You are a god” are the things you get to hear from the mouths of people who desire to bring the best out of you.

The bridge between the spoken greatness and the actual greatness is a complete change in mindset. I used to feel like stIf you go ahead to be that person you want to be without having a changed mindset, the experiences that will follow may deter further trials. And then you hear people say something like “It can never work. I have tried my best” The picture here may be that of one standing around a door, hoping it will open because you summoned the courage to go to a door that others probably fear to approach. Getting to the door is one thing; opening it is another.

The hard fact is that you are these things they say you are. Congratulations! Yet I have a few questions you may be required to answer. Your sincere answers to these questions will either encourage you to keep on heading for the kill or retrace your step, if you must achieve greatness.

  1. Do you have a well-visualized and written plan of how and when you intend to be in the nearest future?
  2. Are you somewhat scared of planning or setting weekly, monthly, or annual goals because you either don’t feel motivated enough or you know you don’t have the discipline to achieve them?
  3. Do you always tend to generalize your shortcomings or project your faults to others?
  4. How well do you take responsibility for your actions?
  5. How willing are you to forfeit pleasurable experiences or habits to achieve your goals
  6. What is your definition of comfort
  7. Do you tend to think that successful people are mainly lucky?
  8. How intentional are your actions towards success?
  9. Do you wish for success or do you grind to be successful?

Like me,.you may find out that you really score below average on some of these questions.

After asking myself these questions, I figured out I have to return to the drawing board to re-plan.
These are some among many other questions, that if sincerely answered would reflect your mindset towards greatness. Your answers will invariably show you how close or how distant you are to achieving greatness.

Great minds like yours will make recent technology look Black and White


Greatness is for the unusual mind


avoid depression
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