in blurttribe •  2 years ago 

I cried when I first came
Strange it was when hands like gravel touched my back
while yet in its womb, voices were refined
No, not here
they shout to deliberately offend, I think
My consolation is this sweet-talking thing
it loves to smile
there is a feeling in me, it knows to satisfy
my mouths are mostly locked up close to the sound of its beeping
I learned to call it mama

I was soon handed over to pain
I didn't know it yet
As days went by, I left her side
She became a burden
They all beckoned on me to come
Yes I began to know stuff
But not without knowing this weird guy called pain
He soon became an ally but never a friend
Being highly connected, he showed me to his friends
They all have this self-centered attitude
Would always want to have me close by, but never on my terms
Depression, one of the friends, I think is a stalker
It's a new day
While the sun is barely up for the day,
Fear snores, Depression sleep talks, and Anxiety wiggles like a baby
I make out for the window.

You call this life!
up I go to the shores of freedom
Never to breathe around pain and his buddies again
How would I have known that pleasure, ecstasy, Euphoria, and hedonism were so cool
They really care about me
Booze, yeah I love this
cracks, why not just legalize it?
Everyone would be happy
Don't you think so?
Ohh such pleasure should not be restricted
check out the craving, the lusting, the longing
xxx sites speak liberty
Oh what a great life this is
Who could stop this fun?

With eyes choked up with smokes
lyrics flow:
on tippy toes
"i must stay alert on the streets
if the po pos come by,
young thugs must know"
Shhh, I have got to eavesdrop
i hear hushed tones coming from the bunker
Euphoria : Let's get all we can out of him and we will be gone
Ecstacy : sure I am really working on that
LibertyX : He thinks I am the true liberty, He doesn't know I am an impostor
Crack: By the time we are done with him, he would have to go back to pain
Ecstacy : Sure they all do,
Euphoria: I am actually thinking of selling him out to pain for a price
LibertyX : Good idea

Life is become a jingle down
I am so hurt
Somebody please call my mama's phone
It's getting dark
I am going home
My eyes are wide open but i cant see
Let me live and not die
Let my dream be given another chance

Let my light shine upon this face that confronts me
who are you?
Who are you? Answer me!
Misery: I am misery
Why have you come?
I dwell in hollow places
I watched you run out of that building where lieth libertyX and his friends
i smell the hollowness in you

Ready to give in to misery
when i heard Mr Hope call out to me from the blue
He seemed to have smiled
One true genuine smile in a long time
Misery seem to be threatened by his presence
I noticed it
Hope would then introduce his fellow officer, Mr change to me
Mystery gnashed his teeth and withdrew himself as a vampire would the sun
Here I am
A place so serene yet so strange

Mr. Change: you are up already
Mr. Hope : Don't worry you are safe now. You fainted from stress and weakness
Mr. Change : Its all good now
Mr. Hope : Don't bother telling us your story
Mr. Change : We watched you from the day you entered this city
Mr. Hope : We Knew you would need our help because most immigrant folks do
Mr. Change : My advice to you is to know the place of pain in your life, while not worrying about it
Mr. Hope : Also understand that pleasure and his friends cannot be trusted. One could visit them from time
to time but never get too comfortable with them, that you begin to live with them
Mr change : Pain, if understood will be controlled and harnessed for greater heights
Mr. Change : Take responsibility for your actions and always realize that without persons like you, I and Mr. Hope you that no one ever saw.
Though accepting change costs
And the path of hope, patience.
I accept this path of freedom indeed.

Thank you for reading.
Stay hopeful!

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