*Life is beautiful*
*Life is good*
*Life is interesting*
*Life happens*
*Life is a journey*
Life is defined as any system capable of performing functions such as eating, metabolizing, excreting, breathing, moving, growing, reproducing, and responding to external stimuli.
Your life purpose consists of the central motivating aims of your life—the reasons you get up in the morning. Purpose can guide life decisions, influence behavior, shape goals, offer a sense of direction, and create meaning. For some people, purpose is connected to vocation—meaningful, satisfying work.
Life is like a market place , where there is exchange of goods and services. Always know this, that we are pilgrims journeying through the earth with life in us.
We are here to buy and sell and at the end give account of how the buying and selling went to the owner of the life in us.
Same way, life is likened to a woman that left her house to sell some goods in the market. And return home celebrating the profits she made from the day's Sales.
Same with another woman that left her house to sell some goods in the market. And return home crying, because of the losses of the day's Sales
How are you living your life?
Are you taking the life too seriously and neglecting your purpose?
Or do you feel relaxed, while others are working out their salvation?
Or, are you just existing because it's expedient of you
Remember this life is not our own. We have but a short while to live, why not make good use of this time and dance home with a good report.
As for me, I Intend To Live Life, Not Just To Exist
Lastly "Always be yourself. At the end of the day, that's all you've really got; when you strip everything down, that's all you've got, so always be yourself."
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Super great content life is indeed a market place and we give account of everything we do. we should always be ourselves nice one!
Thanks Protokkol🙏