
in blurttribe •  2 years ago  (edited)


Discouragement could obstruct your destiny. Your discouragement could be your obstacle. You can encounter difficulties because of your worry, a lack of prayer, and improper advise. How far you run without stopping determines where you end up in life. Getting diverted is the life experience that pauses people the most frequently.

Your prayers are not being answered because you are not focused on Him. You are now leaning away from God and toward humans, thus your prayers are not being answered.

Life is a gift, and living extends beyond simply sleeping and waking up. If you don't know why you're here, you won't know where your life is going.

Life is a gift; it shouldn't just be used for resting and consuming food. What drives your style of life? According to the Bible, which claims that Jesus is the source of life, you cannot understand why you were given life until you establish a relationship with him.

You are experiencing a delay in your destiny since you don't even know what it is. You must be conscious of who and what you are.

Life is not made of butter and bread; you must struggle and conquer. Focused people are the ones who consistently excel in life.

Your situation right now is a race; stop looking within and start looking to God. Turn to Jesus and avoid gazing at a man.

The only person who can lead you without running into problems is he. Jesus is the one man who has the path. Magicians cannot enlighten you; only God can.

Forces tasked with ensuring your prayers are not heard are working against you.

A believer may become discouraged and depart from the Christian road if, among other things, he is left waiting for results that never come or if he experiences poverty or illness.

God is unable to begin a task and then abandon it. God always sees a thing through to completion; He never gives up. God is still working on you as a project; when He is finished, the entire world will be rejoicing in your accomplishment.



Nkụda mmụọ nwere ike igbochi ọdịnihu gị. Nkụda mmụọ gị nwere ike ịbụ ihe mgbochi gị. Ị nwere ike izute ihe isi ike n'ihi nchegbu gị, enweghị ekpere, na ndụmọdụ na-ezighị ezi. Ogologo oge ị na-agba ọsọ na-akwụsịghị na-ekpebi ebe ị ga-ejedebe na ndụ. Inweta ntụgharị bụ ahụmịhe ndụ nke na-akwụsịkarị ndị mmadụ ugboro ugboro.

Anaghị aza ekpere gị n'ihi na ị lekwasịghị anya na Ya. Ị na-adabere ugbu a n'ebe Chineke nọ nakwa n'ebe ụmụ mmadụ nọ, ya mere a naghị aza ekpere gị.

Ndụ bụ onyinye, ndụ na-agafe karịa naanị ịrahụ ụra na iteta ụra. Ọ bụrụ na ị maghị ihe mere i ji nọrọ ebe a, ị gaghị

source ya naanị maka izu ike na iri nri. Kedu ihe na-eme ka ụdị ndụ gị dị? Dị ka Bible si kwuo, bụ́ nke na-azọrọ na Jizọs bụ isi iyi nke ndụ, ị gaghị aghọta ihe mere e ji nye gị ndụ ruo mgbe gị na ya malitere mmekọrịta.

Ị na-enwe oge igbu oge na akara aka gị ebe ọ bụ na ị maghị ihe ọ bụ. Ị ghaghị ịma onye na ihe ị bụ.

Ndu l'e-mekwaa obu mmanu na bred; ị ga-alụ ọgụ wee merie. Ndị a lekwasịrị anya bụ ndị na-eme nke ọma mgbe niile na ndụ.

Ọnọdụ gị ugbu a bụ agbụrụ; kwụsị ile anya n'ime wee malite ile Chineke anya. Gakwuru Jizọs ma zere ile mmadụ anya.

Naanị onye nwere ike iduga gị n'enweghị nsogbu bụ ya. Jizọs bụ otu nwoke nwere ụzọ ahụ. Ndị anwansi enweghị ike ime ka ị ghọta; naanị Chineke nwere ike.

Ndị agha e nyere ọrụ ịhụ na anaghị anụ ekpere gị na-arụ ọrụ megide gị.

Onye kwere ekwe nwere ike ịda mbà n'obi wee pụọ n'ụzọ Ndị Kraịst ma ọ bụrụ na, tinyere ihe ndị ọzọ, a hapụ ya ka ọ na-echere ihe na-adịghị abịa ma ọ bụ ọ bụrụ na ọ dara ogbenye ma ọ bụ ọrịa.

Chineke enweghị ike ịmalite ọrụ wee gbahapụ ya. Chineke na-ahụ ihe mgbe niile ruo n'isi; Ọ naghị ada mbà. Chineke ka na-arụ ọrụ na gị dị ka ọrụ; mgbe O mechaworo, uwa nile ga na-añuri na mmezu gi.

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