The Comedy Rumble : Hilarious Scenario.

in blurttribe •  3 years ago 



Dear Readers,

Welcome to another article of mine...

I have read a few articles based on this contest and every single one caught me laughing out loud and I had a boring day ... (I complained about it)... I remembered I reblogged the parent post of this contest and decided to key into the fun.

So, on a very good day... during my days at the university... I was currently in my second year in college when we had this project that we all need to defend. Practically, I don't have clothes for the presentation and I need to purchase one because we needed to appear formal and corporate ... you understand what I mean huh lol.


I made plans ahead already because I don't like to be stressed when that D-day comes. I was all dressed looking dazzling and flirty, I did not know why I had that wear on but I felt comfy with it. I shut my door and off to the bus stand, in a few minutes, I boarded a public transport from my end to the marketplace.

The driver of the bus made a few stops to pick up passengers, I wasn't paying attention to all of that but I was self-conscious of everyone who was entering and dropping at various bus stops. A guy entered afterward and sat down.

Remember I said I was conscious about people entering and dropping right?!?

There was this guy who was sitting beside me and he dropped off but before he did, he stepped on me. It hurts like hell because the sole of his shoes was hard and I screamed hysterically with a touch of sexiness because I do not want it to appear so raw and painful haha ... you understand what I mean huh...?


The other passengers on the bus joined in unison to say sorry...

  • Passenger 1(Elderly Man): Ehya sorry doh

My reply - Thank you...(with a dash of girly vibes)

  • Passenger 2(Young Man): Sorry Pretty

My reply - Thank you so much ...(with a dash of sexy vibes although I kinda admire him rofl)

  • Passenger 3(Elderly Woman): doh my pikin...(which is sorry my child)

My reply - Thank You Ma...(with a dash of girly vibes)

  • Passenger 4(Young Girl ): Sorry Aunty

My reply - Thank you darling ...(with a dash of seniority vibes)

We were three in the backseat of the vehicle, the one who stepped on me was sitting right beside me in the middle, and the other guy was at the end. After all the consolation, he just did “hmmmmm” with a stress on the “m” neither did he tell me sorry nor show a gesture.

Who cares right...? I just brushed it off and resumed the chats I was replying to before the whole incident took place, it was taking longer than I expected because there was traffic. I stayed calm because the traffic alone will make you angry on its own coupled with the bumpy roads...geez... I so much detest that.

Back to my chats, I kept replying to messages and giggling and surfing the net and watching WhatsApp statuses asf! Unfortunately, we entered into another bump on the road and it shook me off my position making me re-adjust back to my seat.

During the moment of adjustment, I looked at my left side and found out that this guy was looking at me, from the way he looked he has been staring at me for quite some time, that he didn't catch me staring at him with curiosity. I devised a means to distract him by clearing my throat... “ehem ehem” a snap he adjusted himself.

As soon as that happened, a call came on my phone which I received immediately. In my conversation with this friend of mine, I replied “I missed you darling” giggling followed. (It was a conversation between my buddy blessing and how she left me for good to the UK) This particular man shifted his gaze to me, I noticed but continued with my call...


I said within me this is becoming annoying

as I replied yes to the receiver in the conversation still ongoing. I was already getting fed up with the traffic, in a civilized and sexy tone I said...

“driver could you please drive faster?"

The young man that I replied to seductively looked back and said

lol, are you in a hurry?

Yes, a smile followed ... I replied asap.

The looking guy looked at me again, this time inquisitively. I acted like I didn't see him. The guy with the question asked me for my digits which I gladly accepted by inputting them inside his phone. He added that he would give me a call afterward, I replied nodding my head.

I turned to the one sitting adjacent to me and he was just staring at me but this time my thighs. My dress was a short one though!
What amuses me is he's just looking and looking without saying a word. I'm trying to run through his mind to know what he was actually thinking about.

Geez!! Finally, we are at the market. I alighted from the bus and moved straight in the direction of the section where they sell wear. I saw a black dress with lots of sequence on the upper side. I dived to the outlet and sat down to check out the dress properly before we (me and the seller) negotiate the price and this guy was literally following me. I knew because when I sat down to evaluate the dress and its materials he passed. He turned back and was looking at me but unfortunately, he didn't see the incoming bike, and the bike rider punched the horn so hard knowing that he would collide if he didn't move away quickly and it scared the hell out of him as he jolted. The way he fixed himself asap was so hilarious, I could see how him being alive matters haha.

From that moment, he didn't look back again!

The end...

What do you think went through his mind?

Thanks for reading, see you in my next blog!🦋


This is my first entry to the Comedy Open Mic contest and is inviting @whywhy and @khalessi to participate too, I hope you enjoyed it.

Gif from peakd front-end.
Header image from pixabay


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Awww am so thankful...I appreciate a lot..♥️♥️

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