Gratitude Journal: Brutal Consistency Has Started, and I'm the Main Character

in blurttribe •  2 years ago 


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I believe that I can become a master at writing novels. Many people also have this opportunity. But on the other hand, it takes time to achieve that.

As a novel writer who is not very well known. I want to improve the quality and quantity of my writing. This is a long job to be endured. Because it is impossible to get it instantly.

Therefore, I have to consistently develop my skills and keep doing them every day. I've started this consistently brutal process.

Get Started With 21 Minutes every day

Today is the eighth day my friend and I are doing writing activities. We record every day and also evaluate every week.

This is the initial process. A thrilling journey every day. We both try to be consistent to write and encourage each other.

Since starting routine activities and recording progress. We both have done the first evaluation. The result is that we change weekly targets. For me, choosing to focus on working on a novel is 21 minutes each day. I did it at 10pm.

It is possible that the weekly goals will be changed. There is a possibility of adding or even replacing. I don't really care where the goal is better.

Practicing the Science I Learned

Learning is a very important thing to do. I learn from the articles and content of people who have experience writing novels.

Many people share their knowledge for free. In fact, I'm sure whatever I need is already written. I just need to find out where the insight lies and put it into practice. So that the ability to write novels can increase.

For now. I've started to have "something to say". So I will continue this process. Writing novels and earning passive income is what I aspire to be.

Enjoying it is Important

The process is carried out every day. Sometimes I get really tired of doing it. Sometimes I'm so happy that I forget the time when I've been writing for too long. It's not weird. This is a normal thing to happen.

I enjoy the process that I do. I don't care whether my progress is very fast or slow. I would care more about the process. That is enjoying every step that I do in writing fiction.

Loving the work done can make life calmer. Even I can forget about other things while working on the novel. I've had it.

Learn from IKIGAI, a philosophy from Japan. When we can do an activity well, have an impact on ourselves and others, to help ourselves and others. It's a great everyday process. Because every step of the job will be enjoyable.

I enjoy this process. Both the sick process and when people criticize my writing. Happiness must come first.

Grateful for the Process

This time I want to thank you for being able to stay consistent in the writing process. I'm sure, not everyone can write and want to write. So I am grateful because God gave me the opportunity to do this activity.

I also thank myself for fighting until this moment. Whether it's feeling distressed, or struggling to find a solution when there is a problem. I thank you profusely. I am very grateful.

I am also grateful to have good friends with good prayers and valuable support. Without friends, I am nothing. I'm grateful to be able to interact with you and get something that I might not get anywhere else.

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