2 Recommendations Instagram Accounts for Learning to Understand Yourself

in blurttribe •  2 years ago 


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Lately, I am very happy to be able to see an Instagram account whose content is learning. Proof that learning can be done anywhere.

This time I want to recommend an Instagram account that often shares knowledge. I value these two accounts well because they have their own characteristics.

The first account is VISUALLYNEEDED. An account that often shares insights to understand yourself. I learned a lot from this account.



Its uniqueness is explaining information with pictures. He didn't have much to say about explanations. But the images given are always full of meaning.

The content provided is perfect for people with a visual learning style. Moreover, the designs that are made always look elegant and attractive.

His content always manages to make me think what does he mean? Then I try to understand it seriously.

Isn't it cool? The account makes our brains work. We are active to learn even if only for a moment.

But from a little time, we use to think about the meaning of the image given. Finally, I tried to match the knowledge he gave with my point of view. Then try to think about whether I have done the interesting things that were conveyed?


The second account is DAN KOE.



Actually, I haven't found this account for a long time. But after I found out about DAN KOE, they often provide interesting content. I immediately followed him.

I also explore the contents that have been uploaded. Much of the content displayed contains life experiences as well as very meaningful insights.

Even I can fall in love with the content AND KOE very quickly. Ha ha. Maybe because what he said was related to the situation or experience that I had.

The hallmark of DAN KOE is short videos (video designs? Or whatever they're called. Also pictures with narration.)

In the short video, I like the graphics combined with the sound. Makes my brain understand it quickly and relaxed. Because visuals really help.

Then some of the image content that contains narration always gives sharp points. I was quickly able to agree. Really, the content is interesting and adds to my insight.

I am grateful to have found these two Instagram accounts. seriously. I feel happy and get a lot of new experiences from them.

My prayers. Hopefully, the owners of these two accounts are always healthy. May the days be full of happiness. May his family live in harmony.

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