Why we should eat more nuts: Almond

in blurttribe •  10 months ago 


The possible health benefits and role that nuts play in preventing disease have garnered a lot of attention lately. A vast range of nuts and nut-based items, including drinks, spreads, and snacks, can be observed while strolling through the shopping aisles.
Even yet, the nutritional value of different nuts varies. Certain nutrients are more abundant in some than in others.

Almonds, pistachios, cashews, and peanuts are the nuts with the most protein.
Nuts with the highest level of unsaturated fat include pine, Brazil, macadamia, pecan, and hazelnuts.
Nuts with the highest carb content: pecans

You might be curious about the actual effects of regular nut consumption on your health, even though certain varieties contain more nutrients than others. Are there some nuts you should consume more often than others? These are the potential health effects of daily nut consumption, according to research.

Furthermore, it has been discovered that peanuts, walnuts, pecans, and almonds lower overall cholesterol levels. Flavonoids are a class of naturally occurring chemicals found in plant-based diets, including nuts like almonds. They are not only high in antioxidants, but they might also be able to shield you from free radicals, which can cause atherosclerosis, or the stiffening of blood vessels, which raises the risk of heart disease.

The amount of antioxidants in nuts you eat will depend on the kind. Tocopherol, a type of vitamin E that is also an antioxidant linked to a decreased risk of cancer and inflammation, is found in the highest concentrations in almonds and cashews.

However, if you're not allergic, it doesn't hurt to include nuts in a balanced diet for additional possible health benefits.

Enjoying a modest handful of nuts each day is perfectly OK if you do not have a nut allergy. Just make sure to look out for any blemishes or shriveling, since these could indicate that your nuts have gone bad. Choose unsalted nuts over salted or flavored ones if you have any particular health issues, such as diabetes or high blood pressure.

Happy Weekend 😊


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