The Abundance Paradigm Novella; Chapter 12 – 2024 edition

in blurttribe •  2 months ago 

Abundance Paradigm Chapter 12 Header.png

The Abundance Paradigm

by Amaterasu Solar

Foreword 2024

I wrote this novella in 2008, and have versions of it posted around the web.  I will post each chapter in a separate post, and link to previous chapters as I go.  There are 12 chapters to the book, and I may not post every day, so I don’t know how long it will be before We get to the end.

The first two chapters provide the setting for what things will look like in the future, and in the third, the diary of Amelia Ringer arrives to give offset.

I was much more naive back then, so do forgive the naiveté.  I also changed a few things from the original, but mostly left it alone.  See You at the end.

Chapter 12

Lil’s house was very Japanese in design.  Built as a platform with bamboo-and-rice-paper bungalows scattered around a central garden that sported a section of raked rocks, a koi pond, and a no stage (which often had a holographic play being performed upon it, but was tonight filled with tables laid with decks of cards and scoring pads).  Her house, too, floated in the sky, domed with energy to protect from the elements, and from what I could gather, we were above Hawaii.  Nearby boiled a caldera of steam and lava.  Beyond that, the island spread out on a sapphire sea.


Lanterns of paper lit the area, with a musky incense burning somewhere, kissing the air with hints of exotic florals and woods.  From somewhere came the soft strains of traditional Japanese music, plucking softly at the corners of awareness.  Maybe a dozen people sat or stood on the stage, chatting and nibbling the rice crackers, sushi, and ginger placed about on low black tables, passing pipes of weed, or sipping a sweet golden plum wine or hot green tea.

Lil was heading towards us with arms open in welcome.  She hugged each of us in turn, taking my hand and leading the two of us up to the stage.  Nassim waved from a discussion he seemed deep into with a bearded gentleman.  I recognized Chef Allouba, and Cheyenne Dutch, a mutual friend of Lil’s and mine.  The rest I had not yet met, and Lil took us around making introductions.  The bearded man turned out to be Uncle Grant, a physicist Nassim worked with.

After mingling and meeting a few others who came after us, we sat down to play Hearts or Spades or Rummy – table’s choice.  Many loved these games of Old and such gatherings were not uncommon.  We played through the night, discussing Amelia and all for much of the night after I mentioned the diary.  As the night wore on, the numbers dwindled and tables consolidated.  Finally, as the night wound down, Lee and I thanked Lil and hugged our old and new friends, saying our goodbyes, and headed for the J.D.

When we got home, Lee and I were too tired for anything but sleep.  Shedding clothes, pausing only for mouth cleaning, and into the sheets we crashed.  With sleepy murmurs we entangled ourselves and fell asleep in one another’s arms.

In the morning we made love, spending the pent up passion of the previous evening.  When the last spark had burst, we lay softly stroking each other’s face and arms, looking deeply into the other’s eyes.

“I have to check my email,” I explained as I finally and reluctantly got up.  “I have a couple of people interested in my latest painting and I want to see if they have gotten back to me.  I must decide which one to give it to.”

Lee nodded lazily from the bed.  “Shall we finish the diary when you’re done?”

“Yes, yes.  I want to get the scans out on the Amelia site.  They are going to eat them up!” I said over my shoulder as I left to seat myself on my couch.  Once comfortable, I called up my email.  Both George Pingau and Nguyen Li had responded.  I read over their pleas, and, while Li said he simply loved the image and the feelings it evoked, George waxed on about how it looked just like his daughter had when she was six, how his daughter loved cats, and it was as if I had taken a photo of his little girl and transferred it to canvas, how the happy memories had come flooding in when he saw the image, and could I please consider his request for the original.

It was easy to choose.  I sent a note to Nguyen Li that, sadly, the picture was given to another.  Then I notified George that Little Buddha and Companion was his and he should receive it shortly.  I also informed the house of the destination of the painting, knowing the work was being wrapped up and a delivery call was placed.  George could have it delivered when he accepted the delivery call.

The email screen winked out in my lap and I returned to the bedroom to find Lee still resting in bed, awaiting my return.

I climbed in with him, and then…once again I called for the diary, which arrived by ’bottie.

July 28, 2009

The check came!  I opened an account and decided to pay the rent here for a few more months – I don’t want to mess with moving stuff if things move fast enough and I can have my choice.  Soon enough I will not have to work to live as I want.

Free energy and the methods of extraction were reported in the MSM, even the history of its suppression came forth.  Antigrav was mentioned, even.  People are clamoring now to build robots, allocate land for organic farming, researching transmutation methods, and more and more!  I look around and people are nicer to one another now, helping others get through the tough times.  And people are working towards the abundance paradigm with no pay whatsoever.  It is emergent as the Web fills with ideas, efforts, and sharing.  Toadies that once were trying to inhibit the flow of information have let it go.  The world is catching the “gold bug.”  Even China has opened some of its information avenues.


People are building their own free energy devices, based on the plans that have been put up on the Web, and we are getting off the grid, running our homes and cars on it.  It’s coming, and I don’t think it will stop.  My book will be on the shelves this week, and we shall see what happens then.

I bought a new computer and got Interweb access.  The number of sites that mention “abundance paradigm” has topped two million.  The news is filled with the concept.  People are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, for the first time in our current history.  More and more are grasping what it will mean.  Few bring up “greed” and “power.”  I am truly in awe.

Cures are springing up for many of the diseases that have plagued us.  Even the MSM is reporting on them.  Suppression is failing right and left.

Already it is known that there was much more history that has been hidden for eons.  The Egyptian pyramids and Sphinx are over 10,000 years old.  The “Gods” of “myth” were extraterrestrial, and we were sculpted as helpers, but were enslaved by the Creator’s brother.  On top of all this, we carry galactic royal blood.  The Terra Papers are discussed more and more, even in the MSM.

Though no ET’s have stepped forward yet, we may see that soon.

I can’t thank Stephen enough for his role in bringing all this about.

August 7, 2009

My book came out!  And oh my Gods!  I am a celebrity!

It’s so odd to be recognized.  I walk into a store or even down the street and people look, some point, some start up conversations with me.  I guess the pic on the flap was good enough to identify me.

Emails are flying about the abundance available on this planet.  In this Universe.  People are happier.  People seem to have a reason to live now.  What a startling change in society.  Around the globe now they are fired up.  Information is flowing as never before.

The search brings back 23 million.  It’s going viral worldwide!

Soon I will see my dream.  Soon.

And this is where Amelia’s diary ended.  The rest of her history is well documented.  She went on talk shows; she sold a billion copies of her book in nearly as many languages.  And then one day, they found her dead, still waiting for her dream to free her to complete choice of her house (which I have become certain looked much like mine), in the apartment where Lee found her diary.

Sadly, she had had cancer and never spoke of it, nor let any know she suffered.  She didn’t even mention it in her diary!  She was not interested in herself so much as she was in freeing the Human Hearted from the clutches of the Lizard Hearted, and free us she did.


The Alliance of Hearts was written up, based on the ethical outline Amelia had proposed in her book; the Lizard Hearted signed it and we signed it.  ET’s did meet us as equals, as royalty, even, based on our royal DNA.  We traveled to the bases on the moon and Mars and discovered the truth about our planets, for it is the Solar System that is Ours.

Humanity.web was created, and advertised as the site we would use to govern ourselves as Amelia outlined in her book.  The people demanded the “Human Bailout,” passing bills to support the best management of resources, building robots for all the work we didn’t want to do.  Everything was programmed in open source; safety and reliability in products and services skyrocketed.  Research and development took off.  Tech leaped to awesome heights, and teleportation, replicators, and myriad gadgets and concepts to help sprang forth, almost as Athena, fully grown, it seemed.  With information flowing so freely, the tech was emergent as well.

If Amelia had lived at most a year more, she would still be here, cured and healthy, and at that point, a very short way off to seeing her home.  Fate is indeed fickle.  But Amelia lives on in our hearts as we live each day in this Heaven on Earth.  Her death saddened us all.

Stephen Stewart, on the other hand, is still keeping us amused.  He has a show that is quite a bit different than the Old one, but every bit as funny – funnier, some say, as he no longer has topics he cannot approach.  He is heralded for his role in bringing the paradigm to our awareness, giving Amelia her chance.  He is a hero.

It’s an interesting thing – rather insignificant in a scarcity paradigm – that we all carry lighters – well, I should say, We, most of us, choose to carry lighters.  Our lighters run on free energy.  Each is everlasting, and each of us has crafted our own, in some way, those multitudes of us that choose to.  From an idea we have, to crafting it for ourselves and others, we express ourselves in the design of our lighters.

Lighters are seen as status symbols of a sort.  There are many who have “boast walls” of lighters that originally belonged to the Infamous and that had been gifted to them.  Gifting of lighters has become common.

To counter an overabundance, if you find a lighter and you don’t know whose it is, after asking around and getting others’ opinions – is it theirs?  Do they know whose it is?  Or do they even like the looks of it?  If not and no one claims it…if you really like it, you keep it, but if it inspires not, it goes into the MWD when next you see one, which is most often a short walk from where you are when you find it.

Many leave their lighters and do not claim them, seeing how their work is accepted.  It’s kind of a game some of us play.

And thus, the number of lighters that stick around is kept under control, and still we keep about us the measure of our status, the symbol of the individual worth – We understand that sapient sentience all springs from this energy, given in abundance, and Worth is what we contribute, with now our bliss being granted.

Lee and I looked at the last page of the diary, and then each other.

“I think I need to paint,” I said.  “I’ll scan those and get them up on the Web by ’bottie and see what the data flies draw forth.  This should be fun.”

“Data flies,” as Amelia indicated in her diary and in her book, are the pieces of information We contribute to our Infosphere, most often for their funny factor.  When we’re not out doing other things, we have the choice of sharing our funny moments and any needed Witness moments.  Funny Moment Sharing is a major social event in gatherings of around 3 to 6 Individuals of Sapience.  People’s stories made the Media, became the Media, wherein the people’s stories, their Witnesses, were told.

Mainly it was the Web that was the Media.  All media was there if you wanted, and surely Media Buffs sprung up as hobbyists, collecting and talking about the Old treasures they had, and blissing out.  This group, as all the other groups that blossomed, withering in time, going viral planet wide, or settling somewhere in the space between – was emergent in abundance.

We brought problems to the table for solutions with the stigmergic governance via the web and the Humanity.web site.  Problems are ethically solved by those who care, the best way we can think of, no longer restricted to what is the cheapest or most profitable.

Our advances in all things made social enjoyment the choice we all had, within the ethics of an informed willingness stipulation.  One receives social currency – love, reputation, status, appreciation, attention, lauds, thanks, gratitude, recognition, self-satisfaction and others – based on one’s choice of behavior with others, and Witness made it much easier to prove one’s and others’ willingness in things, and the degree to which we are truly informed.  We can show it all in a single striking scene, or build our case for our behavior in a Situdrama.  If we have to, which, any more, is seldom.

We never testify with our data if we don’t want to, but may do so if we choose, and in the Witness of others, we make much better choices.  When we are alone or with the willing it is our business alone, and when accusations arise, there is almost always a basis.  The incident in question is nearly always settled.  The Web has become the Court, and with the direct feed (Read Only) aspect of information recorded on our Datacubes, the truth nearly always comes out, with infamous spots that are never cleared up and that keep historians arguing for years.


But overall, nearly any case these days is infamous.  We rarely choose to behave poorly towards one another, and so when it happens, it makes it big on the Web.

Basically, what Datacube gave each one of us was control of our autonomous Selves (and the ’botties that attended Us Individually), yet aggregately, We still have an ethical set of behaviors emerge in a world where the need for money had been removed.  The Lizard Hearted made a weak argument that it was “surveillance,” but it was surveillance (witness) within informed consent (willingness), which is a different animal altogether in terms of emergence, to the visceral response of “someone evil above watching me” mentality.

One thing that vanished, pretty much, was the concept of “estate” and though lineage became a bragging right of sorts, the lineage came from those whose contributions to abundance were known, most often.

When Datacube first came out, a desperate effort was made to suppress it, but by that time, Amelia’s Point had Tipped, and the toadies-no-more who came up with it first knew that by freeing the data flies onto the Web it would feed us spiders the strength we needed to defend but never to bear false Witness.  Thus, in honesty, we would tend to get by.

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We wrote the Code of Ethics, the Alliance of Hearts, based on the Idea that UnLove, where willingness is not mutual, if information has been maliciously withheld, will not be tolerated, and if you choose to go past willingness, your reputation amongst those that care will drop, and if you work your cards right you will be shunned.  The three Laws are its foundation.  Keep unhappiness to a minimum, and be prepared to tell your side of the story.  If you are found guilty in Court, it will be of those who care – and with crime so rare, most care and input to a verdict.  We do not tolerate the UnEthical, and informed willingness is the yardstick.

And of course, if you trust those around you, your surveillance of your house may be limited to the soirees you throw – everyone knows Witness is all over the place at the bazillion open functions.  It is expected and no big deal as long as no UnLove is evidenced (no unhappiness).  We have much Neutral Love (neither Love nor UnLove), and an abundance of Love, Itself, as we move in the circles of those who love the same things we do, finding it easier to love even those who do not.

Thus, We spend Our collective time promoting Love, the Highest Ethical Goal.

With a kiss I left Lee, heading to my studio, and I knew Lee would soon be off to do his film exposures the Old way (his thing, y’know), and at dinner we would share them.  I would see the broken boards with the zipper bag poking out – I knew Lee enough to know he would HAVE to take a picture...or 10, with holotech, and a bunch of analog ones, Old tech, in artistically arranged composition – and the reality would supplant the patched-together picture I had been carrying since the diary entered my quality picture, since it entered my Universe.

The End – or, with luck…  The Beginning

Past Chapters:

The Abundance Paradigm Novella; Chapter 1 (article):

The Abundance Paradigm Novella; Chapter 2 (article):

The Abundance Paradigm Novella; Chapter 3 (article):

The Abundance Paradigm Novella; Chapter 4 (article):

The Abundance Paradigm Novella; Chapter 5 (article):

The Abundance Paradigm Novella; Chapter 6 (article):

The Abundance Paradigm Novella; Chapter 7 (article):

The Abundance Paradigm Novella; Chapter 8 (article):

The Abundance Paradigm Novella; Chapter 9 (article):

The Abundance Paradigm Novella; Chapter 10 (article):

The Abundance Paradigm Novella; Chapter 11 (article):

As My regular readers know, I ask for no money as payment for My work for Humanity.  I ask for payment in shares.  Please, if You feel My work has value, share with ten or more People.  This will be the only way the information is spread.

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Links to My work for Humanity:

So You Wanna Make It Better? – AI Produced with Lyrics by Amaterasu Solar&nbdp; (article):&nbdp;

The End of (Social) Entropy&nbdp; (article):&nbdp;

Quantifying Wealth&nbdp; (article):&nbdp;

Tips and Tricks for Surviving the Performance&nbdp; (article):&nbdp;

It IS a Planetary Problem!&nbdp; (article):&nbdp;

The Dividing of Humanity to Maintain Control&nbdp; (article):&nbdp;

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Endia – A Short Story by Amaterasu Solar

Quite the Opposite – A Short Story for Change – by Amaterasu Solar

The Abundance Paradigm – A Novella by Amaterasu Solar

My father taught Me never to believe anything.  He told Me to place probabilities and adjust them as new data come along, asking the question, "Does that explain what I see?," when evaluating data.  He was an aerospace engineer, and worked with T Townsend Brown (see My featured vid on Odysee or YouToilet).  From a very early age I was concerned that the way I was told things worked, in terms of government and social affairs, did not explain what I saw.  So the first few decades I worked to determine WHY this was.

I wound up in banking, seeing the flow of things in the headquarters of a major bank in Los Angeles.  I became intimately familiar with the flow of money, and economics.  I asked the question, "Why do We use money?"

When the web arrived, My research capabilities flourished, and I learned much that explained what I saw, but the only explanations I found for why We use money started with trade and barter, which are still money in a direct form, and did not answer the WHY.  Then, I came upon the explanation that these were used because, with a finite amount of stuff, it was to ensure that We got Our "fair share" in a scarcity environment, in exchange for the work We added.

From this I realized the WHY.  We were accounting for Our energy input into things.  And that We needed to do this because the Human energy was scarce compared to what We needed to be produced (back then).

I also discovered that over half Our planet's wealth was "owned" by fewer than 100 Humans...

I was very interested in psychology, too.  And studied it deeply, being fascinated by psychopathy, focusing on that aberration, learning that They had discovered a gene that manifested Individuals who were incapable of love, compassion, caring, and empathy for Others – primary psychopaths.  Seeing that the wealth was so disproportionate, and that the families who "owned" it inbred, what would explain what I saw would be that They wanted to retain that psychopathic gene.  Given that the wealth could feed, clothe, house ALL of Us (and give Us freedom) abundantly and many times over, and yet None set forth to care for Humanity, I had to give probability approaching 100% that They are psychopaths, as that explains perfectly what I see, and answers My quest for why the way I was told things worked did not explain what I saw.

And I asked...  If I was a psychopath, with enough wealth to buy anything and anyOne I wanted to, and given that money = power (power over Others is something psychopaths seek), would I be motivated to create a false "reality" for the masses and thereby manipulate Them?  I think You can figure out what answer I came up with.  And would that explain what I see?  Absolutely.

Now, given that money is merely the accounting token used to account for Our Human energy, it would follow that free energy would threaten fully the accounting for Our energy.  If I was a psychopath, with enough money to buy sites like Wikipedia, the media, the education system, etc., would I do all I could to suppress and hide free energy?

And given I personally know that electrogravitics offers both gravity control and energy from the aether (the electromagnetic field that pervades the universe), and that it went into black projects, such efforts to hide and suppress would explain what I see completely.

So I am neither a "conspiracy theorist," nor am I a "conspiritard," but rather...  I am a conspiracy analyst.  And given this analysis, knowing that conspiracies are the NORM in history and that they didn't just stop some years back, I conclude that conspiracies abound.  That explains perfectly what I see.

Love always.

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