Toilets of Thailand #1 - Dairy Home Organic Outlet, Nakhon Ratchasima

in blurttravel •  4 years ago 

Dairy Home Organic Outlet is a great place to stop for some delicious ice cream on the way back from Khao Yai National Park, but the important question in the first of my new series which takes a look at all things 'toilet in Thailand' is: What were the toilets like?


The place itself is just a processing centre for dairy products with a cafe and outlet but styles itself as a traditional US farm and the toilets are no exception with their barn door style entrances and shutters. Very clean and tidy from the outside and of course, the women's toilet was the first to be reached, Ladies first after all!!

A nice touch in the courtyard was a specific toilet block for kids which even had some fibreglass hens sitting on the roof!


The gents block overlooked a lake and windows were conveniently located over the urinals allowing the beautiful view to add to the wonderful sense of relief one finds when taking a well-earned pee!



As you can see from the following picture, the whole place was kept clean and tidy and there were no creepy-crawlies, pools of piss on the floor or soiled bog-roll blowing around in the breeze.
The shiplap planking and dado rail gave the whole place a very homely feel and this theme was continued even into the cubicles!


As for the traps, they were bright and spacious and continued the wholesome farm theme. The personal hand washbasins in each cubicle was a nice touch as was the picture on the wall and the cute cow on the underside of the toilet seat. A lot of thought had been given to the design of this bathroom and the quality showed. Working bumgun and plenty of toilet paper just added to the overall feeling of being in a quality environment.


The Final Score

Design: 7/10 - Not really my cup of tea but well-executed if barns are your thing!

Ambience: 8/10 - Excellent environment with nice views and fresh breezes blowing from the mountains.

Cleanliness: 7/10 - Kept very clean and tidy for a block so open to the elements.

Supplies: 8/10 - Plenty of soap and toilet paper although the lavender-scented air fresheners were a little overpowering.

Overall- A very creditable 7.5 / 10

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