in blurttradinghub •  2 years ago 


When I Entered The Cryptospace

Well i can't really claim to have been in the space for long truthfully i came to know about cryptocurrency in 2020 during the covid-19 lockdown era as high institution was forced to closed down to curtail the spread of the virus that was when i was enlighten or really come to know about cryptocurrency precisely around june-july 2020 so invariably it's been almost 2 years it started from a smart contract forsage and to register we needed ethereum then that was that i believe ethereum was the first cryptocurrency i purchased with my money and of course i quickly came to know about Bitcoin i mean knowing about cryptocurrency or even before I ventured into the space I've always been hearing about Bitcoin port imperial was the first crypto I ever owned and had some at the time it was to register for the smart contract but then from then on i kept watching btc then around 5k climb to 20k in december and ethereum at just around $100 climbed to around $750 and and in January 2021 reached $1,440 crazy gains.

Impact Of Cryptocurrency On My Financial Status

Well I can't really say that I have become wealthy by entering the crypto space or that my financial status have tremendously been transformed nahh if I were to say that then it will be a lie.

What i can say is this since entering the space it has given me a sense of relative independence I mean as students and based on the nature of things in the country i am in constant need of money and of course as one advance in years it is not everything that we will ask our parents yes crypto has help me to relieve my parents of some financial burdens when it comes to catering of my basic needs and my schooling expenses most things I do not really ask them for money like money for food stuff for textbook even for lodge rent I take care of those things by myself and this is only possible because of cryptocurrency.

I am not really a futures trade that per say but of course we all know that trading in futures is not the only thing one can do in cryptocurrency to earn money.

Yes since entering into cryptocurrency it has kind of help me to be able to take care of my basic needs and help me to have a sense of a better future it is true that crypto is filled with much volatility but the truth of the matter is still remains overall crypto has done more good to me in all aspect of my life both in my ways of thinking and in finance overall

Cryptocurrency has indeed impacted me positively i mean even if at the moment it seems that everything is going zero that is even if everything do go to zero which I know is highly unlikely in fact it is impossible but even if that was to be I would forever be grateful for having been in the space and frankly speaking I feel genuinely and think that cryptocurrency is the future of finance and it's a privilege for me to have been in the space that could only mean one thing even if I have not reach now off of crypto but I believe it is only a matter of time yeah at the moment it seems that the bull market has ended but it doesn't really matter I believe money is being made in the bull run but it is in the beer market that will become truly wealthy so overall I am grateful for having been in the space.

Crypto has helped me to have a better plan for the future and help me understand how to build a better portfolio and strategies on how to survive and if i could survive a the cryptospace then i believe or could survive this world it's just like Elon Musk said one hour in the cryptospace feels like 7 years on earth ya if we are in the space we should know what he means.


Really grateful to blurt trading for this opportunity to truly express how we have been impacted by cryptocurrency it is true some my have painful experience especially for those who entered the space at the top of the market but one thing remains I mean one thing is constant in this space that if the hold for a long time that eventually such an person will be profitable so for me I have a long-term approach I believe that at the end everything will work out just fine and my views about crypto being the future of finance is unshakable like the moon's rising and it's setting.

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Hello @chirich, your entry is interesting and being so sincere to write from your heart. Cryptocurrency has helped you alot and we at @blurttradinghub believes is going to do more for you and to all our students. Keep writing, keep doing the necessary things someday it will pay you the more. Thanks for making such a wonderful blog