BlurtTrading Hub Academy Special Course: Plagiarism

in blurttradinghub •  2 years ago 



What Is Plagiarism


Well plagiarism is a word almost all blogger is quite familiar with it is true it doesn't necessarily centres on writing but in most cases that is often where this shameful act is being committed, yes this shameful act known as plagiarism is actually stealing another person's work or we could simply say is representing the work of another person as our own.

We often commit this act of plagiarism we will use someone's exact words in our own writing without citing the original source and passing it off as if it were our own original ideas in that event we are Plagiarising and that is a very big offense, as a student i should know most times one can even fail a course simply for plagiarising and may even be expelled from the institutions depending on the school ofcourse some are even arrested and face charges, this goes to show that indeed plagiarism is a crime and should be avoided at all cost little wonder the blurtians has a zero tolerance for plagiarism.


How To Make Reference To Original Work


  • By Using Proper Citation And Quotation Mark

While writing if we do make use of another person work let's say his exact words then it is of great importance that we cite the original source either in the footnote or in a citation in the text and the words must be enclosed in a quotation mark to show we are actually quoting another person and it is not our own original work failure to do this we would be plagiarising.

  • By Paraphrasing And Proper Sourcing

Another way we could avoid plagiarism and make reference to the original work is by paraphrasing that is simply using our own words to express an idea instead of copying word for word and when we do we should make sure to provide the source of that idea which we use to build up our writing either in footnote or in text citation.


3 Causes Of Plagiarism


  • Lack Of Training:One of the common reason why people do plagirise today is because of lack of training because they are ignorant of the fact that they are actually plagiarising probably as a result of the fact they have not been given proper orientation of what constitute plagiarism and it could be that they didn't have the opportunity to learn about as such they do plagiarise while for others it could also be they had the opportunity to learn but didn't because of laziness yes they didn't receive this training because they failed to they are ignorant and content in their ignorance.

  • Fear Of Failure:This is another cause of plagiarism that is very common among students this is actually due to the fact that they feel they aren't good enough writers or they fear having bad grades and see plagiarism as an easy way out, it is of great importance that we remember that we don't necessarily need to write like expert but what is important is we produce good original content

  • Apathy: This is another cause of plagiarism, in this case the person is not necessarily ignorant of what constitute plagiarism but instead he or she doesn't really care or feels less concern about whether they are committing plagiarism or not in this case one commits plagiarism without much thought to the consequences of plagiarism.


What Could Cause A Blog To Be Termed Plagiarism


They are some things that could make a post be termed plagiarism and it often involves when one fail to follow proper ways of avoiding plagiarism, of the things that could make a post or a blog as the case may be to termed plagiarism it's listed below

  • Sometimes when we write and don't filter our blog with a plagiarism checker tool after writing sometimes some plagiarism may be spotted in our work that's why it's vital to appropriate use of a plagiarism checker tool before submitting our work.

  • When we fail to quote the source and instead writes like it's our own first thought and original work

  • When we fail to provide proper citation in our work, yes by failing to properly cite a source either at the footnote or in text citation we will be at a risk of submitting a plagiarize work.

  • When we don't paraphrase properly but instead copy word for word and at the same time also fail to provide the source of our idea our blog end up being termed plagiarism

So these are some of the things i believe could possibly make a blog to be termed plagiarist


Some Tools For Plagiarism Check


They are some basic tools in the internet which help us to spot out plagiarize post some of them are;

True there are tons of tools online that could be used for checking plagiarism but these are just some of them




Indeed i honestly believe that everyone of us should fight to curb plagiarism and it's also good to know that plagiarism has no place on blurt and blurt trading hub Academy as such offenders may likely not get voted and there are some other consequences that may also come with it so this shows that indeed our wonderful community is against every form of plagiarism and it should be avoided. this post has made us to be aware of what plagiarism is all about thereby we cannot claim to be in the dark of what plagiarism is so as such we must fight together to stop plagiarism and avoid it completely in our community since we have a zero tolerance to plagiarism.

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