Blurt Trading Academy Season 1 Week 4

in blurttradinghub •  2 years ago 


This season was supposed to be a talkshow but owning to the fact that i am not disposed to do this i rather write since it's was allowed if an event we can't post an audio or video without further ado let's dive straight into it.

What's Blurt

Well blurt is very much like its sister hive and parent blockchain steemit. Yes blurt is a social media platform that reward it's users for creating good and quality contents online. Does that mean then that blurt is like facebook and twitter, in a way but unlike facebook and twitter twitter and other social media platform it's a decentralised social media platform where users write and earn by having their post curated and earn in the form of BP which is blurt power and liquid blurt yes we earn rewards by receiving the blurt native token.

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Blurt successfully eliminates the down vote by not adding it on the chain unlike on Steemit which gives its users more room to express freedom of speech without fear of punishment and the community also has zero tolerance to plagiarism

Is Blurt A Scam Token Or Not

Well in the cryptospace today we have examples of scam tokens created simply to be rug pulled later by the developers we have a typical example of that in the infamous squid scam that is why we ought to be careful, the matter now is our blurt token a scam well let's see how to identify scam tokens.

Well the thing with most of this scam tokens is the often have one thing in common which is they often entice unspecting investors with the hope of making quick and mad returns in a very short period of time and ofcourse it's just in human nature to want to make quick gains but our blurt isn't that way i mean we simply earn the token by creating quality contents and curating and being rewarded with blurt tokens as part of the reward pool the purpose is very clear and wouldn't be the first decentralised social media native token as we have steem token for the Steemit platform and hive token for hive platform.

Another basic thing that is very familiar with most scam project is they often ask their users to send the coin before receiving the acclaimed massive giveways they have for them and ofcourse it doesn't really end well for those who send because they wouldn't be receiving anything because they have simply been scammed.

A contract source code, token name and creators address if these things are not in the white paper then it is being clear indication that such a token is a scam token well this information are all available in the blurt white paper which is clearly transparent so therefore i honestly believe that the blurt token is anything but a scam indeed it is a legit token for a legit platform and a fork of steem.

While Plagiarism Is Not Allowed On Blurt

Well we know what plagiarism is, the act of stealing another person's work often writing as our original work without proper reference thereby claiming to be original owners of the work. We really do not show a lack of appreciation and respect for this blurt chain by involving in plagiarism.

Ofcourse we know blurt is about creating quality and original content that is the whole purpose of the platform it rewards it's users for creating useful contents and their own original work if this writing were not to be original or merely copied work then it's loses its credibility and goes against what blurt stands for which only appreciate contents that are original and of good quality free from any form of plagiarism or word spinning so plagiarism is shunned or avoided here infact the community have a zero tolerance to plagiarism as it goes against everything we stand for and we only appreciate the writing of ethical writers who knows not to copy others work and even if they do they ensure its properly sourced or reference.

What Blurt Trading Hub Academy Is Used For

From the name we should already know, the name academy already shows or implies we are talking about a place of study or a place were we learn and when we talk about the tradinghub academy is where blurtians learn every thing about crypto especially regarding crypto trading and every thing crypto relates the blurt trading hub academy is a wonderful initiative by our wonderful platform blurt to help her users gain all round knowledge about cryptocurrency and how to use it in the course of our trading and in their journey in the cryptospace it's simply created to help blurtians know all their is about cryptocurrency and it's blockchain technology so that's basically what our blurt trading hub academy is all about.

How I Have Gained From The Blurt Trading hub Academy

Well i have really gained a lot from the academy though just in her week 4 of season 1 at least i gained a key lesson in the trading psychology about not letting our emotions affect our trading and the fact that both positive emotions like euphoria and negative emotions like frustrations can impact our trading actions often negatively as such it is vital for traders not to trade whilst the are feeling such emotions or at least try to put them in check as is vital to succeed in trading.

I have also benefited in the aspect that my post of the blurt trading hub academy are being voted and seen to be of value infact since joining blurt this is the community i have actually received the most votes and i wish to continue posting as anything crypto related is a passion of mine such this academy is like my passion and am happy in participating in it more like a calling for those who believes in such.


Always grateful to participate in the homework post of the blurt trading hub academy and this week's edition have helped me see or gained more in depth knowledge of what this academy is really about though a talkshow involving discussion with friend was prefered but notwithstanding thanks again blurt trading hub academy for this incentive.

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