Blurttradinghub Academy | Official announcement of the end of Season-1

in blurttradinghub •  2 years ago (2).jpg

From the team of this Academy, we wish to announce the end of the Season-1 of the learning academy.

The Blurttradinghub account was created with the concept of educating individuals on crytpocurrency. From the we have been working towards the vision and still keep doing it.


During the first through the 3 week, we had great support from individuals. The voting support attracted a lot of participants and as well, Lectures.
From our heart, we seek for a voting support to all entry on the forth coming weeks.

Since the incident of not having great upvote, Lectures and individual lost interest. However, we there plead for a supportive vote on our entries to rebuild the vision and purpose of the academy.

Blurttradinghub tag.

We encourage everyone writing about cryptocurrency to use Blurttradinghub as there first tag, since this account is solely for cryptocurrency education.
We welcome those for the main time till further notice.


If you are willing to become a lecture for the Academy, you are welcome evening when you are too sure of receiving much upvoted, but doing it because is what you love doing would pay you more.

I therefore oficially announce the end of
#SEASON-1 of the Blurttradinghub Academy.
Written and signed by @chinonso01

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