My LEGO Collection

in blurttoys •  3 years ago 


I want to share some of my LEGOs and my sister's LEGOs too. . Hope you enjoy.

So Many LEGOs


My sister plays LEGOs every day. I play with them a lot on the weekends. My dad bought them for us. He bought classic LEGOs and LEGO Friends. I think LEGOs are my favorite toys.


My sister likes to play LEGOs with other stuff like paper, fabrics, and many more. I really like when she plays pretending with LEGOs. She knows every voice for each LEGOs people.


Well, I think LEGOs are fun to play. They are fun for kids and adults too. If you have friends that like to build and arts like me and my sister, you should buy LEGOs for them.


My dad also bought some extra doors and windows LEGOs. I use a lot of doors. When my sister likes my building and I know I have to make one for her. If I don't make it for her she will break my building. My sister always wants to play but she doesn't want to clean up the mess she made.



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Monkey B

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