Love, Threat and Barking

in blurtthoughts •  2 years ago 

That’s a no-brainer. How can you not love Dee-Dee? "This was not a surprise, but when he reached Kolkata, he remained in the shadows of sorrow for a week or ten days. He used to eat and drink and listen to songs on his iPod. Tony had a three-story ancestral house on the banks of the Bhagirathi river near the town of Garulia, outside the city of Kolkata. He imprisoned himself in the topmost room of the house.

Sometimes he would walk until late at night on the open terrace. When the mother became very upset, she explained to them that everything was fine now. Job fatigue is leaving. That too will go away. But as soon as he came out of the shadows, the sorrow of love came upon him. Why doesn’t anyone love him?


Then he remembered how he met and fell for her.

Why are you so beautiful? He asked without speaking, looking into her eyes. Neeli smiled silently, and tears fell from the corners of her eyes.

He thought maybe he should have asked her directly.

Neeli was thinking, "Is it really true? ‘"

"Yeah!" I don’t know when that crazy lady sitting inside me spoke so eagerly.

Neeli thought, Why hadn’t she spoken earlier?

She wanted to say, "Why are you so scared? Why don’t you touch me or touch my lips with your lips?

But he stammered while talking to her, "But…why?" He asked, looking into those beautiful eyes.

"Oh, stranger, why are you trying to attract me? My husband is with me. I am a wife. "

"Nothing to worry about being married? Beauty is nobody’s property! You are so beautiful.

But that didn’t work. She did not agree with his proposal!

You probably think that I haven’t taken these threats seriously enough. You are wrong. How interesting is mathematics? Only a person who knows mathematics can tell. I don’t know why, but people have taken it as a hoax. Dany assumed it was math that taught us that one plus one equals two. Subtract two from two and you get zero. Is there any other such interesting subject which has so many possibilities?

People may not even be aware that mathematics is the foundation of all sciences, and if there was no mathematics. But despite all this, Dany did not know why people had a misconception about a mathematician.

Dany thought no one took any mathematicians seriously until now, probably for the same reason. He was still alone. His age was increasing, but till now he had formed no equations with any girls. There was one, so she rejected him and married someone else.

From a mathematical point of view, Tina’s decision was completely wrong. One and one together is two, but in this case, her action left him alone while she was with another man.

Eventually, he decided he would talk to Tina again. But Tina’s husband strongly warned him. Tony was very disappointed, so he took his warning seriously.

The incessant barking was confusing to Rex today, because his dog was barking continuously. The problem with him was that his dog did not like the cold, and suddenly he had to come here to live in the mountains.

Eventually, he reached the house of a friend who lived near him. His children were playing outside, and they also had a small dog.

Rex smiled, looking at him, and asked him if he would let his dog play with his dog. Children usually agree. Rex’s dog also calmed down a bit after seeing the other dog.

Rex left his dog with them and returned home. Now he was feeling much better because now he could not hear the dog barking continuously.

Rex thought that keeping him in a quiet place would teach his dog to be quiet.

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