Christmas within'your Inner Matrix - like in the old days ... the sacred meaning of Christmas

in blurtter •  4 years ago 

Are you really missing those Christmases or New Year Eves when you were running like crazy to supply everything with at least 2 weeks before the Holiday Season was knocking at your door, so you would be prepared to organize your Christmas party or that famous party of New Year's Eve?

Is this world divided in two categories, consisting in those who are offering without conditions and the other ones who are just there from a false complacency, just to eat and drink, to feed their bellies, since it's not their food, or the time spent in cooking and so on?

Maybe you understand me ... you know the whole story :)

Maybe this year and from now on, the new era of a new horizon inside this new updated matrix will look different, and maybe not even brothers will be able to spend their ancestral sacred celebrations, like Christmas or New Year's Eve used to be for them that sacred Gathering of the Family, that old oath under which this world, somehow, was fooling herself, or much better to say, tempting herself, offering the illusion of a world in which spectrum's you supposed to be good, altruistic filled with harmony and all these interesting virtues, that seems like during the entire year in most of the human souls are vanished, like ghosts ... nothing empty spaces ... illusions ... only on this time of the year you are what supposedly everyone should be EVERYTIME ...

Maybe through my concept of my own artistic perspective through my #blurtlego photos you'll understand that the true concept of Christmas, New Year's Eve and all the other celebrations, should happen' EVERYDAY ...

Especially through the Times we are runnin'right now at a 322 BPM in music matters :) You should have your Inner Ghost of your Mr.Scrooge active EVERYDAY :) and question every action you take ... and then the Magic Christmas will be EVERYTIME with you and your FAMILY :)

Like Fred and George Weasley would celebrate together this Christmas like all those other ones from their infinite Past ...


Maybe this world is transcending through the biggest experiment of all Times, and actually this experiment of so called, social distancing will start within' your heart, your soul, your mind, and then it will move forward and it will get almost everyone that phase, when they will be distanced from their next person within' their sacred families, and finally they will return inside their mind matrix and "some" will realize the big game, the big picture of all these interesting experiments, but it might be too late :)

The distancing will start within you and will end within you :)

So, meanwhile, celebrate and maintain this sacred statement within your soul, while you still have one ... give a big hug to your loved ones ... worship a glass of wine on New Year's Eve, say a sacred prayer on Christmas Eve ... Celebrate the truth meaning of Christmas ...

Maybe at some moment everyone will understand the magic of what means to be Infinite into Eternity as a soul that can be divided only inside this Matrix which represents the "the sacred field of atonement of all things lived and re-lived in eternity, which brought karma after karma with them as a result of all the actions of each of us as a soul" ...

Enjoy your Sacred Happy Holiday along your Families dear #blurtians

Like Ron and Hermione Weasley are celebrating these sacred Holiday Season, as a sacred Family as well they've became in the end of their movie ... and don't tell me n one haven't seen yet the entire episodes of Harry Potter ...



Meanwhile, enjoy some of my music compositions ...


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