Technology And Education | Effects On Children

in blurttalenthunt •  4 years ago 

The mighty twenty-first century has blessed us with a lot of which is improved technology, from horses and carts to cars speed trains and aircraft, from bird messaging to twitter, Facebook and other social media. The educational system has also experienced this magical touch of technology, from chalks and slates to projectors, laptops and iPads. Boosting learning in a bug way off course.


One of which is improved learning engagement, unlike the past where children had to rely on long bogus theoretical lines which would barely stick in their memory to graphics and videos getting them more engaged and capturing their interest. Learning is more fascinating and realistic. An example is teaching photosynthesis to young children, unlike in the past where they were told what it is about , now they can see what it is about through a video representation which will help them understand every process step by step. This interesting video will make them more interested in what photosynthesis is all about and off course stick longer in their memory. The truth is we really remember things we see better than things we actually read.

With technology they'll be interested in learning even when they are home. Its easy for them to log on to sites and learn more about each topics on their own and broaden their knowledge. Their interest will be awaken and sharpened even more due to the ease of being able to learn online and from different angles on a particular topic. Technology has made education pretty easier and cheaper for children with ebooks and YouTube classes providing high quality education at low price.

With good internet and a good computer they can learn about things they haven't been taught in school there by expanding their knowledge on different aspects of learning. This year has been a good example of the good effects technology has on children and learning, without technology, learning would have halted for eight months or more and most children would not even remember a thing when schools finally resume. From virtual classes to breakout classes and class groups and different learning apps that have sprung up due to the lockdown.


Although, technology has been a great help its negative effects on children education cannot be overlooked one of which is laziness and procrastination. In the four walls of schools there are time frames for learning and even the process of preparing for school had its effect in teaching children the need for preparedness. Unlike with virtual learning which they can lie on their beds to learn and even those who managed to drag themselves out of bed are usually unprepared to learn. The need to make sure they do their projects and assignments on time and by themselves is pushed out of their schedule with copying from internet sites replacing them breeding lazy and "easy way" students in the society.

Another negative effect is distraction, it is so easy for them to share their screens with games and other activities even though it might seem they are paying attention. The concentration that can be monitored in school is lost unless there is a guardian available to monitor them but with the advent of busy and unbothered parents monitoring their learning is a big problem and a danger to good learning in children.
Technology just like every other invention of man has its good and bad sides but being able to balance it would do us all a lot of good even in education.

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Every good thing has a negative effect and everything called negative has its good side.

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