Remember when we Always went from school to school sharing short books about period and hygiene? Well that is content marketing. For the male folks who didn't see this or perhaps went to a boys only school, another example would be Coke's "Share a Coke with" and everyone was obsessed with finding their names or sharing coke with their friends. Perhaps you used to think content marketing was a big term and technique used by big firms and brands, well this article will be spilling the gist.
Content marketing in technical terms means creating and distributing content or materials online to stimulate a targeted audience to buy your product or services. A lot of people confuse traditional or conventional marketing with content marketing. Content marketing is not directly promoting or marketing your product but to drive customers to make profitable actions. Content marketing can be in different forms like videos, blogs, websites, articles, e-books, entertainment and webinars that answer specific questions people may have on related topics so they will be drawn to your product and not go somewhere else. An example of that will be BabyCenter, a website which answers questions young mothers or mothers could have related to babies. It is owned by Johnson & Johnson which sells baby products. By doing this they are creating trust and loyalty in their audience as well as drawing new customers to the brand.
Through content marketing, awareness of the product is created and this places the brand on a more unique level, higher than other brands providing the same product or services. Creating a unique brand personality that is unbeatable by other brands. Till today no other period product has as much loyal customers as Always does or Johnson & Johnson and so reducing the cost of marketing.
As a business owner, the best way to go about content marketing is first identifying your target audience and then coming up with different questions, doubts or interests they may care about that your product can satisfy. An example would be Sainsbury's magazine, a top cooking magazine in the United Kingdom with paid subscribers up to 3million. With its content marketing style, not only are they creating awareness but also stimulating their readers interest and answering questions their target audience could have. Content marketing can also open doors of generating revenue and cross selling just like Sainsbury makes money from selling its magazine.
Content marketing strengthens the customer relationship and loyalty in turn assuring continuous patronizing and ultimately continuous profit or revenue. It may not work for every business but it is still worth giving a shot. It may not hit the Broadway almost immediately but with persistence and hard work as well as patience, content marketing will take your brand straight up to the customers heart.
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