Off course the title CEO is not just about bragging and wearing the nicest of clothes or driving the nicest of cars. Its more about the qualities that make you a good CEO and it's not limited to your ability to make large profits in business. It encompasses other qualities including communication, integrity, ethics, transparency, vision, motivation, team spirit and a whole other qualities.
The first on my list would be effective communication not just with customers or your potential customers but also with your employees. Being able to communicate well and also listen to their ideas and input on different areas of the business is also crucial to helping build the business. Not dishing orders like the leader of a terrorist group but allowing your employees contribute meaningfully their ideas and perspectives in your mode of operation or ideas. No matter the age or profession gap, respecting their opinions because every hands are needed on deck to break the market.
The business is no longer about you alone, if you could do everything on your own then why exactly did you hire people. The need to develop the "we" attitude rather then the "i" attitude is crucial. Egoistic behavior will keep your employees from contributing because you show them in your actions and words that they are just your robots and they too will sit back and watch you. That's why the ability to pull your employees together as a team and develop team spirit is also important.

Another quality would also be being purpose driven. As s CEO you have to know exactly where you are going, where you are taking the business to. When you do then you'll be able to figure out how to get there and possibly predict what will happen in the future of the business.
Integrity and transparency are also good qualities a CEO should posses. Fine it is your business but to keep a business afloat the need to be integrous in your dealings with clients is important. It boosts your reputation and in turn the reputation of the business both with employees and clients alike. It breeds respect because they know you will deliver and so automatically respect comes in from both customers and employees alike.
You also need to be able to adapt to whatever season it is in the business. Raining or dry season, knowing when and where to cut down on expenses or when to save for future purposes. Being able to think deep and make decisions in favor of the business no matter how uncomfortable it might make you or how bad it affects your luxurious lifestyle. That means being sacrificial and ready to sell your luxury items if possible to keep your business running.
Being able to learn from your mistakes, employees or even customers is necessary. Just like I talked about in the beginning, putting your ego aside for the same of your business. Not thinking about your feelings alone but how your actions could affect the business. In all, a good CEO needs to learn to put himself aside and make decisions that may not suit his ego or beliefs but that which will make his customers happy and keep his business running.
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