in blurttalenthunt •  5 years ago 

Last week, we didn't have any entry for the contest, we believe it's all because we are new and just starting. We hope this week os going to be different as we trust that your entries will start coming in from this moment.


Blurt talent hunt is a contest which gives room for musicians on blurt and all over the world to showcase their talent on 'BLURT'.

If you are a musician, you can participate.


● You will record a video, minimum of 1 minute,

● At the beginning of your video you'd say 'blurt talent hunt week 2'

● Come out in your own style and don't consider any barrier

● Upload your video on YouTube and do a post with it using the tags, #blurttalenthunt, #music

● You can also submit your entry as a comment under this post

● Only one entry per person is allowed

● 1st place gets 10 blurt

● 2nd place gets 5 blurt

All kind of music entries are allowed!

There are no barriers to entry!

Submission starts now, Good luck!

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