The Guilty Game

in blurtstory •  2 years ago 

Five (5) days gone and Billy isn't talking to me, and for some reason, I think I should be blamed for what happened. I usually don't take the blame because I usually ensured not doing anything to put me in that position. Taking the blame isn't much of a big deal to me or something I can't risk but I would rather not even get to that position and as such, I try as much as I can not to find myself there. But this time I think I couldn't escape it and even when I found valid reasons and excuses for my actions, taking the blames was the last option left for me to be very frank.


Prior to the five (5) days of not communicating with Billy, he spoke to me about a business trip he was embarking on and how risky he thinks the road is, and how somewhat scared he was too. I did my best on my part to encourage him and also told him to follow his heart. I told him if the business trip was so important to him and his work then he should just pray about it and I would do the same and then go ahead with the journey but if it was something he could make up excuses and escape just because of the weird feeling he was having then he should do the needful to avoid stories that touch the soul. Later that night when we spoke, I asked him about embarking on the journey, Billy told me he would because he couldn't make up stories to stay back. We prayed together and then we bid each other good night as he needed to rest early for the long journey awaiting him the next day.
While I stayed for a while to surf the internet before I finally departed to bed.

The following morning I kinda woke up late as I slept a bit late too, the previous night, and because of this, I was already running late for work so I decided to rush on everything. I quickly brushed my teeth and took my bath, dressing up for work. I had to delete breakfast on my agenda for that day hoping to grab some meal when I arrive at work and had finished with a few tasks. Arriving at work, I totally forgot about the meal or anything I had in mind to do as the task awaiting me at the office was quite cumbersome and I needed to finish it before dawn.
I settled and started with work, putting my phone away and on silent.
At the time, Billy called Severally but I didn't notice as my phone wasn't ringing out nor was it vibrating. I turned off everything so I could concentrate at work, and my bad I forgot to call or check up on Billy to know if he was out already or if everything was okay and I believe the call was to alert or notify me he was already on his way but I missed them.

Finishing up with work around 7 pm I grabbed my phone to head out of the office, I noticed the numerous call I missed, and when I quickly clicked on the history, they were all from Billy. What in the world! What happened that he gave me fifteen (15) missed calls? I was scared and worried and so I tried reaching out even while on my way as I was rushing back home. I kept trying but no one picked and when I got to the middle of the road which I didn't even realize I was already halfway there, I tried one last time, and the response I got came from the hospital telling me Billy got into a fatal accident an hour before his last call. I almost fainted on my way, but I had to get a hold of myself and try to think. How? And at this point, I was already imagining what Billy would have said to me if I had picked up his calls earlier. What happened that he suddenly called me so many times before the accident?
If the story would have been different if I wasn't so busy at work and not attain to his calls?
I was worried and scared at the same time. I couldn't help but blame myself for the bad happenstance and the condition in which Billy found himself.

Where do I start from? What do I do? I kept asking myself until I got home. Perhaps I should book a flight and go see Billy, it was a rash decision but I just needed to see him no matter what. I didn't even request a leave at work, I just went ahead and booked the next flight to meet Billy.

The End!...


To my faithful readers and wonderful sponsors, my heart goes out to you guys. Thank you for making my journey here a fun-filled and exciting one. Thanks for trusting and supporting my work too. I pray that God blesses you all real good :)

                                 13 May 2022


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