-On Sundays I have a late breakfast, because the workday on Saturday is exhausting, I attend many patients in a health care center, which is intended to serve low-income patients, I love this great work, helping others and the neediest is part of my service I provide to the community.
This is how Anthony explained to his friend Laura, who on Sundays would call him very early in the morning to go to the beach and he would not answer her phone call. Laura was very much in love with Anthony and liked his altruistic personality, always willing to help others. He was a captivating man that any woman would fall in love with.
Years passed and Anthony continued his work as a doctor, helping and providing health care to patients in need. He formalized his love relationship with Laura and they decided to get married, they formed a beautiful family, Sundays were sacred for Anthony and his wife respected him. Anthony got up late and had a late breakfast, it was part of his lifestyle and Laura tried as much as possible not to bother him because from Monday to Friday her husband spoiled her, he took her for walks, they had dinner together, went to the movies, and they spent a very fun week since it was softer and he only worked at the clinic half a morning and the afternoons were free and he dedicated them to his wife.

Versión Español
-El día domingo desayuno tarde, porque la jornada de trabajo del día sábado es agotadora, atiendo a muchos pacientes en un centro asistencial, el cual esta destinado para atender pacientes de escasos recursos, esa gran labor me encanta, ayudar al prójimo y a los mas necesitados es parte de mi servicio que brindo a la comunidad.
Así le explicaba Anthony a su amiga Laura, que los días domingo lo llamaba por teléfono muy temprano para ir a la playa y no le atendía la llamada telefónica. Laura estaba muy enamorada de Anthony le gustaba su personalidad altruista, siempre dispuesto ayudar a los demás. Era un hombre cautivador que cualquiera mujer se enamoraría de él.
Pasaron los años y Anthony seguía en su labor como médico, ayudando y brindando salud a pacientes necesitados. Formaliza su relación amorosa con Laura y deciden casarse, formaron una linda familia, los días domingos eran sagrados para Anthony y su esposa lo respetaba. Anthony se levantaba tarde y desayunaba tarde ya era parte de su estilo de vida y Laura trataba en lo posible de no molestarlo porque de lunes a viernes su esposo la consentía, la llevaba a pasear, cenaban juntos, iban al cine, y pasaban una semana muy divertida ya que era más suave y solo trabajaba en la clínica media mañana y las tardes le quedaban libres y se lo dedicaba a su esposa.
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