During the summer my wife was suffering from strong dizziness, which made her unable to walk. On several occasions I took her to the health center and everything seemed to indicate that there was nothing to worry about, according to the doctor. The truth is that since my wife's state of health was not improving, We decided to go to an endocrinologist to further study her situation.
The endocrinologist immediately ordered a series of tests which determined that my wife's blood sugar was dropping. The doctor asked my wife:
-How much do you consume sweets, she replied:
-Very little doctor, I hardly feel like eating sweets.
And another thing my wife did was that she hardly ate breakfast and had lunch very late.
The doctor indicated a diet in which she should incorporate sweets as a snack. And he made the caveat that she had to eat at the corresponding time for breakfast, lunch and dinner, that she should not skip any meal.
When we left here, the doctor told me: "I bought a delicious and nutritious candy with some fruit in it.
We went to an ice cream parlor and my wife ordered a delicious dessert of sweet waffles in cherry sauce. My wife told me that she felt so good, and asked me to please her more often with such delicious desserts.

Durante el verano mi esposa estaba padeciendo de fuertes mareos, que la dejaban imposibilitada para poder caminar, en varias ocasiones la lleve al centro de salud y todo parecia indicar que no tenia nada de que preocuparnos, según el médico. Lo cierto es que en vista de que no mejoraba el estado de salud de mi esposa, decidimos ir a un endocrino para que estudiara más a fondo la situación de ella.
Enseguida el endocrino ordenó hacer una serie de exámenes los cuales determinaron que mi esposa se le bajaba la glicemia. El médico le preguntó a mi esposa:
-Que tanto usted consume dulces?, ella le respondió:
-Muy poco doctor, casi no me apetece comer dulces.
Y otra cosa que mi esposa hacía era que casi no desayunaba y almorzaba muy tarde.
El médico le indicó una dieta en la cual debía incorporar dulces como merienda. Y le hizo la salvedad que tenia que comer a la hora correspondiente tanto el desayuno, almuerzo y cena, que no debía saltar ninguna comida.
Al salir de aquí me dijo el médico: -Comprele un delicioso y nutritivo dulce que contenga alguna fruta.
Nos fuimos a una heladería y mi esposa ordenó un rico postre de gofres dulces en salsa de cerezas. Mi esposa me comentó que se sintió tan bien, y me pidió que la complaciera más a menudo con ese tipo de postres tan exquisitos.