The pyramids of Giza.

in blurtstory •  4 years ago 

You must have heard of the seven wonders of the ancient world. The pyramid of Giza stands as the oldest of the seven wonders of the ancient world and the only one to remain largely intact.


For more than 4000 years, the pyramids of Giza have towered over the west bank of the Nile just south of Cairo, Egypt, sparking innumerable theories on everything from their construction methods to their astrological connections.

It held the position of the Tallest man-made structure in the world from 2560 BC to 1311 AD which was suppased by the Lincoln Cathedral completed in 1300


Numerous questions like why, how, when and who built such structural wonders, (considering the time it was built) will linger your mind.

Follow me let's find an answer to those questions.

My sources.
Wikipedia article

Why was the pyramids built?

Pyramids were built for religious purposes. The Egyptians were one of the first civilizations to believe in an afterlife. They believed that a second self called the ka lived within every human being. When the physical body expired, the ka enjoyed eternal life. Those fortunate enough to pass the test of Osiris wanted to be comfortable in their lives beyond earth. The Great Pyramids were simply grand tombs of powerful pharaohs.

Three pyramids were built at Giza, and many smaller pyramids were constructed around the Nile Valley. The tallest of the Great Pyramids reaches nearly 500 feet into the sky and spans an area greater than 13 acres. The Great Sphinx was sculpted nearby to stand watch over the pyramids. It stands 65 feet tall and consists of a human head atop the body of a lion.

Many believe that the Sphinx was a portrait of King Chefren (Khafret), who was placed in the middle Pyramid. The lion symbolized immortality.

You Can Take It with You

Egyptians who ranked high in status often wanted to take their most prized possessions with them in death, so the ka could enjoy them in its next life. Gold, silver, and bronze artifacts were loaded into the interiors of the great tombs. Fine linens and artwork adorned the secret chambers.

In the early days, dead nobles were often interned with their living slaves and animals. Because this practice eventually proved too costly, artists instead depicted scenes of human activity on the inside walls. Some pyramids were even equipped with a rest room for the pharaoh.

Great precautions were taken to protect the tombs from looters. Egyptians believed that a defiler of a pharaoh's resting place would be cursed for eternity. The entrance to the inner chambers was carefully hidden. The pharaoh's mummy was placed in a huge coffin called a sarcophagus, which was made of the hardest known stone blocks. But despite such warnings and precautions, tombs were raided over the years by grave robbers.
The pyramids, however, have stood the test of time. Although their outer limestone layers have long since been stripped or passed into dust, the pyramids still stand. About 80 dot the horizons of modern Egypt. They remain as time capsules cast forward by a once-great civilization.

Images source

My subsequent post will tell how, when and who built the pyramids. It will also highlight facts about the pyramids.

My daily affirmation inspired by think and grow rich by Napoleon Hills
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