Mermaids. Myth or Real. Find out.

in blurtstory •  4 years ago 

Hello blutters, I've come again with another mind boggling topic of interest. Mermaids are the very creatures that scared the daylight outta me anytime I visited the river as a kid. Meriam Webster defines mermaids as an imaginary sea creature that has a woman's head and body and a fish's tail instead of legs. Today we will find out if they are truly imaginary like the dictionary defined.


Reported Sightings.

The creature dates back to 1493 when sailing off the coast of Hispaniola, Christopher Columbus spotted three sirens or mermaids which he said were not as beautiful as they are represented, due to some masculine features in their faces, but these are considered to be sightings of manatees

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During Henry Hudson's second voyage, on June 15, 1608, members of his crew reported sighting a mermaid in the Arctic Ocean, either in the Norwegian or Barents Seas.

The logbook of Blackbeard, an English pirate, records that he instructed his crew on several voyages to steer away from charted waters which he called 'enchanted' for fear of merfolk or mermaids, which Blackbeard himself and members of his crew reported seeing.

Two sightings were reported in Canada near Vancouver and Victoria, one from sometime between 1870 and 1890, the other from 1967.[89][90] A Pennsylvania fisherman reported five sightings of a mermaid in the Susquehanna River near Marietta in June 1881

In August 2009, after dozens of people reported seeing a mermaid leaping out of Haifa Bay waters and doing aerial tricks, the Israeli coastal town of Kiryat Yam offered a $1 million award for proof of its existence.

In February 2012, work on two reservoirs near Gokwe and Mutare in Zimbabwe stopped when workers refused to continue, stating that mermaids had hounded them away from the sites. It was reported by Samuel Sipepa Nkomo, the water resources minister.
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Despite these sightings and stories from the lips of seafarers, people still consider the stories to be myth and subject the creature to exist only in the world of fantasy. Therefore the question arose. Are mermaids real?

Then Are Mermaids Real?


National Ocean service answers.

No evidence of aquatic humanoids has ever been found. Why, then, do they occupy the collective unconscious of nearly all seafaring peoples? That’s a question best left to historians, philosophers, and anthropologists.

According to Livescience, A program was filmed to appear to be a documentary, complete with interviews with "scientists" (paid actors) and phone-camera footage. With only the show's very brief disclaimer in the end credits noting it was a work of fiction, many viewers thought that proof of mermaids' existence had finally come to light.
A month after the program aired, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration posted a statement on its website denouncing the supposed existence of the half-human, half-fish beings. "No evidence of aquatic humanoids has ever been found," the post read.

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At the end of the day, everyone goes back as confused as ever. Including me. So if it exist, I ask the question. Why hasn't there been any major proof of its existence?

If it's not real I also ask; Why has there been widespread belief of its existence all over the world?

Maybe we have seafarers on blurt who have firsthand experience, and would want to tell us more.

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