
in blurtstory •  4 years ago 

== Mother, I go home. (I)
== Leave now? The groom's party just arrived. Wait a second.
== No mother. there's employment. come back and finish it today.
== Okay. I call your aunt. which is what Hier meets.
== Well I'm sitting. You call 7
Ammu visited call her aunt.
Let me introduce myself during this fuck.
I'm Rihanna. Stay tuned for now.
After ages my mother came.
== Are you visiting leave? What was the talk? (Aunt)
== Aunt, I'm leaving paperwork. Tell me what to try and do Business people 6 it is usually busy therewith.
== So say now. And after a long time.
== No aunt.
== I comprehend it won't work with me. Hiya, in fact, must be 6
== No aunt. Don't dare him That bastard won't jettisoning in any respect
In the meanwhile, Hiya appeared out of nothing.
The devil appeared within the name of the devil
== what's the amount three goat. Are you leaving? (Hiya)
== i'll not go or wait until your marriage?
== Until my marriage or not. Now if one in every of your legs goes out of this house, i'll discontinue your leg and hold it in my hand.
== Where did you dare to chop my leg?
== similar to once I was young, I accustomed cut with a blade.


Petnita pulled out a knife from behind whenever I stepped out.
== does one see the knife? Dharmu round the neck and Dimu continue straight.
== you're a robber. During the day, someone turns around with a knife like this. you may give mira to your son-in-law within the lounge.
== Yes. Marmu 6 what is wrong with you? If you allow here, you too will die
What else to try to to. Must have.
== Well, I won't go. you retain the knife.
== Let's go. The groom is coming down many women are coming.
== That's right. Let's see
I reduced with Hear. the remainder of the home is stuck at the gate
== How will the wedding be if Ray keeps the groom? (I)
== you do not need to marry, brother they are doing not want to pay only 5 thousand rupees. Kipta Kothakar. (Hima)
== Well. Well, you settled with 3 thousand.
At my word, they went inside with money.
I went inside from there again.
Actually my little allergy to ladies works.
When I came to the space, i used to be asleep, then Hiya came again.
== What the heck. What does one want again?
== Nothing. I'm coming to beat you.
== What did I do again?
== Why did you leave? I find and harass.
== you recognize i can not visit girls so well That's why I'm leaving.
== you're doing well. include me now. i'll teach you to speak to ladies
Began to tug.
== What are you doing? i believe so.
== Laguk. Let's go anyway.
Hiya forcibly brought me down.
== You see what quantity fun everyone seems to be having. and appearance how beautiful the statement is. Let's line you up with one.
== No. I don't need. Discount me 6
Who listens to whom.
He dragged me away.
== Beyen gentlemen see who i'm bringing your Beyain.
== Why did you come here like this?
== No more talking. Your brother-in-law could be a little shy. So I had to tug it.
== Is that so? Are we scared or not ?.
== No. What power does one have? (I)
== Why Bayan is stuttering like this. Fear or not? Well
Beyan is that the hero. So what does one say?
== Our shyness does business. a longtime businessman.
At that point Hima came and called.
== You come. Calling to eat. Brother, come too. i've got given you the responsibility to feed again.
== Hahaha Beyan became the last Aries chef.
I left without saying anything.
Everyone sat right down to eat.
Amu is serving rice
The Bayans are all eating like monsters. I visited them.
Seeing another scene within the middle of everyone's eating scene caught my eye.
Another girl is standing with a bag in her hand.
Everyone is eating. he's the sole one standing.
I said ........
== Beyan you do not eat?
The girl is gazing me once. Again watching Mim (the groom's younger sister)
== What happened? Why don't you talk? (I)
== Hey Bayan. he's not your statement. His name is Riha 7 Our housemaid.
I have never looked well with a woman in my life But seeing Riha, my eyes don't want to maneuver.
But I took it all the way down to protect the worth and respect.
== He won't eat? No Statement. Ghee isn't digested within the stomach of a dog. Not watching anymore. She is busy together with her work. (Mm)
== Is he working anymore? there's a bag in hand. and also the chair is empty. what is wrong with sitting all the way down to eat?
== Are you crazy or not? We eat with a maid.? does one see our status and his status?
I realized that the girl is incredibly neglected.

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