
in blurtstory •  4 years ago 

Rihanna asked who to call. I wanted to say something to Rihanna about the letter,
He said please be quiet or I will do something wrong.
Rihanna did not dare to speak after hearing such words.
I was wondering who Rihan told to come.
And what does it mean to send a letter like this to Mejo Ja,
He could have given the letter by hand.
Does that mean he is still in a relationship with Arif, and the letter was sent by Arif?
Rihanna left the house after a while, I didn't even have the courage to ask where she was going, I'm sure she wasn't going to the office, because she came out after a normal dress. So do not want to listen to me. But at night when the anger subsides, if you listen to everything in a cold head, I hope you will understand everything.


It was getting late in the afternoon, the man had no news. I hadn't eaten all day, I hadn't even cooked today. I bought parota from outside and fed it to Raima. I made up my mind to hold Rihanna's leg and apologize and fix everything. I was opening the door thinking, I was shocked when I opened the door.

  • Dad, are you here?

  • The son-in-law called in the morning and asked to come urgently, did you have any problem?

  • Dad, come in and talk later.

  • I was going to cook for Dad, but Dad said

  • No need to cook now, Rihanna fed me at the hotel.

  • Have you met Rihanna, Dad?

  • Yes, Rihanna picked me up from the bus station.

  • Did Rihanna eat with you?

  • No, he said he left the house after eating. I also said I will go home and eat later, but Rihanna said, you do not know my arrival. So I ate at the hotel.

  • Where's Rihanna now?

  • I don't know. He went ahead to the gate, said he will come a little later. What happened?
    I called Rihan without answering my father's words. Rihan received the phone three times.

  • Hello Rihanna, where are you? Come home soon.

  • I'll be home after you leave.

  • Where do I go?

  • Go home with your father.

  • Rihanna, was there any need to drag Dad among us, wasn't it a little exaggerated?

  • You haven't seen anything exaggerated yet, you will.

  • Please Rihanna, give me a chance to say something.

  • Don't lie, I want to tell you the truth.

  • I don't want to know anything else. If you like me, get out of here.

  • I'm not going anywhere.

  • If you don't go, I'll go, I'll go home, I don't know where to go.

  • Please Rihanna give me a chance to talk about this.

  • I told you to leave with your father now, or I'll leave the world.
    I became speechless. I lost the language to answer Rihan's words. When he wants me to leave, it will be okay to leave. I told my father, I will go home. My father said.

  • I don't know if there is a problem between you, but if you go home, will there be any solution? Rather, the problem will increase.

  • If not, it could be a bigger problem, Dad.

  • What's the matter? And what happened, he would tell me openly, if not, how would I understand.

  • Dad, if you don't take me, I'll go somewhere else.

  • Where are we going?

  • I don't know.

  • Okay, I'll take you, but son-in-law actually go later?

  • He won't come home until I leave.
    Dad said nothing more.
    When I was ready, I left with my father for home. Before leaving, I called Farhana through the verandah.

  • I'm going home, please see Rihanna.

  • Suddenly going home?

  • Very urgent.

  • Well. When will you come?

  • I don't know, but I'll try to come soon.
    I said this and left. I called Rihan

  • I'm leaving, you come home and rest, you don't have to go outside for me.

Seeing me, my mother started talking angrily.

  • You have no place in my house, I saw a good boy and married him, but could you not be so dishonest with that man? That's why I made you a man? If I only knew that you would ruin our honor in such a way, Why did you come to my house with your face burnt, why didn't you run away with that rogue boy?
  • The father said, the girl has just come home, how far is the journey, let her eat first. Let her enter the house, then gossip as much as you want.
    Mother did not say anything more than her father's words, she went to the kitchen alone. I went home and started crying, seeing my crying, the girl also started crying.
    From the morning I thought, I should go to my father-in-law's house once, although I am ashamed to go, but I can't go. I didn't sleep all night, I just cried. I called Rihan many times, her phone is off. I don't know what she is doing alone. Rihanna is not communicating with me, but Rihanna may have talked to the people in their house.
    It was too late to think but I was not too late to go out. Without telling my mother, I reached the house of my father-in-law with my daughter.
  • I greeted my mother-in-law and went to my house. In the meanwhile I was about to enter the house, Mejo Ja stood up
  • Rihanna forbids you to have a place in the house. You have lost the right to enter this house.
  • Right? Don't forget, I'm still Rihanna's wife. So I still have full rights over everything.
  • Do you have the letter?
  • Hmm.
  • Give it to me.
    I gave the letter to Apu. Apu read the letter four or five times. Apu understood that everything is past. Apu did not tell me anything anymore.
    Apu tried on Rihanna's phone all day, but didn't get it. Trying again in the evening, the phone was found open. I wanted to talk but Apu didn't give me the phone. Apu started talking through loudspeaker.
  • Hello Rihanna?
  • Hmm.
  • Faria went to your house today, I think your uncle stopped Faria from entering the house, and even killed her.
  • I told my mother,
    Don't let Faria in.
  • I understand, but your mother did not stop, so why do you think tied.
  • Maybe as a big idea.
  • Do you support him?
  • Of course, because she knows a lot about your sister's bad reputation.
  • Listen, Rihanna, that's a long time ago. You're having trouble knowing this, I understand, but is there any benefit in exaggerating so much about the past? Everything has a solution.
  • Nothing will be right.
  • Look, it's not wrong to like someone, love can come in life. And the first love of life is with most of the wrong people, but those who can come back from this mistake, they can win life.
    I think Faria has also won. They wanted to escape but did not escape, you have to understand that.
  • I'm keeping it now.
  • I'm not saying it's Faria's fault, I'm just telling you to forget it. Start all over again. There's no point in dragging the past into the present, and you have a daughter, think about it.
  • Well, I'll keep it now, we'll talk later.
    Rihanna hung up the phone.
    Apu calmly told me, don't worry, everything will be fine.
    I was just crying. I have nothing to do but cry.
    Apu said everything will be fine, but nothing was going well. My distance with Rihanna is increasing day by day.
    Now our issue is no longer between us, our family members are controlling everything. There is a lot of trouble between the two families now.
    Instead, he decided to separate us after a quarrel between the two families. Dad said
  • Tomorrow I will file a case in the name of your uncle Ja, your testimony will be needed there. In the morning we will go to the lawyer, you are ready.
  • Why Dad, why the lawsuit?
  • That's why he hit you that day.
  • Don't leave Dad.
  • How do I get rid of it?
    If Rihanna had protested, I would have dropped it, but Rihanna is supporting all this.
    I will not give you that family anymore. And if I give it to that woman with an education, I will give it later.
    Hearing the lawsuit, the people of the father-in-law's house naturally got angry.
    Because if you sue Mejo Ja, they will lose their dignity. After the trouble of these two families, I am going to end. In the end, it was decided from both the families, our divorce.
    Whether or not Rihanna really wants a divorce,
    No one seems to need to know that. They are just forcing it on us.
    I realized that everything was going from bad to worse.
    Our divorce date is next Sunday.
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