A bunch of love

in blurtstory •  4 years ago 

Anisha is horrified to see so many people talking against her and staring at her with hatred. She ran across the varsity area and started crying.
Ion is surprised when he manages the suddenness of the event Where is the girl's problem? Tears bring tears to the nose. However, Ion warned everyone again so that they would not disturb Anisha anymore.
Many shouted, why brother? Who is he?
Ion scratches his head and says, I think of you!
The people in the whole hall started shouting. Many began to treat again
Ion is real at home. Her father runs a business. Sitting down to eat, his father said, do you remember Majid Uncle?
Ion says to eat, why not remember? How much he cared for me as a child. I really miss him.

  • They have shifted.
  • Is that so?
  • Hmm. We invited them tomorrow. Majis and his daughter will come. In the afternoon. You will stay at home
    Ion didn't even remember Majid's uncle's daughter. Saw a lot in childhood. I don't even remember the name.


  • Dad!
    His father replied, what?
  • What is the name of Majid Uncle's daughter?
  • Hey, I don't remember the name. Probably Nisha.
  • And that
    Ion finished eating and went to his room.
    Ion no longer sleeps. He says in his mind, Anu, you are a criminal. You are depriving me of sleep. I love you!
    The next day, Anisha entered the varsity gate and played Tashki
    Ion is kneeling in front of him. Bouquet of red roses in hand.
    He sees Anisha and puts flowers in front of her and says, Anu! I love you!
    Meanwhile, everyone started shouting. Many girls are dying of violence.
    But Anisha got very angry Because to him, Ion is nothing but a talented boy. That can't respect girls মেয়ে
    When Ayan grabbed Anisha's hand, Anisha got more angry and slapped Ayan. And he threw the flower at Murray Ion.
    The ions get very costly which cannot be expressed in words.
    Ion laughed and said, so angry! All right, get rid of all the anger.
  • It's not angry. I hate you, Ion Sharif.
    Just hate you.
    As he was about to say, Ion grabbed Anisha's hand and said, Anu, you will say that you love me one day.
  • Love is a sacred word. This holiness does not go with you.
    Ion Cost smiled. And left Anisha.
    One said, brother, let me go to Mayatar? Dhaira tied the can?
    Ion took a bouquet of flowers in his hand and said, I love it so I let it go. Don't force him. Bix I profit rate!
    In the late afternoon, Anisha goes to Ion's house with her father. In fact, Mr. Majid is Anisha's father.
    Anisha is shocked to see Ayan. Ion and bean ... Meanwhile, Tridha eats a small shock.
    Anisha spent the whole time with Tridha.
    While leaving, Ion hurriedly grabbed Anisha's hand in front of everyone and said, I want to marry Anisha.
    The sequence of Anisha's eyes coming out.
    Ion's parents were shocked. Anisha's father is in the same situation.
    He says, father, what does all this mean? What does one look like?
  • One shows I fell in love with him. Now I want to make this love halal.
  • That's a good thing, but you're not old enough.
    Anisha Regmege says, what is good? I can't stand this boy at all.
    He said and left.
    Ion smiled and said, father-in-law, son-in-law but I am.
    Mr. Majid laughed. Ayan's father and he are childhood friends. He loves Ayan very much
  • Son-in-law, everything is fine, but my daughter ...
  • He's nothing, uncle. Everything will be fine.
  • I waited for everything to be fine. My daughter is very arrogant
    What else! After getting permission from everyone, Ion started to seduce Anisha But Anisha does not agree with anything. When he saw the ion, he ran away.
    Thus three years passed. Every day Ion Anisha leaves a rose in the classroom.
    At first Anisha was very angry. But in these three years, getting roses has become a habit. Just like waking up and brushing is a routine, getting a rose at varsity has become normal for Anisha. But the funny thing is that Ion dropped out of varsity a year ago. Anisha also gets a red rose every day.
    Today is the 13th of February. Anisha put on a yellow shirt and left. She dressed lightly
    I went to the classroom today and did not find any roses. Anisha was surprised. What's the matter, why didn't Mr. Romeo give flowers today? Surely Ion doesn't love him anymore. Thinking this, Anisha's eyes started getting wet.
    Couldn't pay attention in class. He went home and cried on the pillow. Today Ion didn't even call him Definitely got someone new. Anisha seems to be very costly. He has fallen in love with that ion for so many days.
    Anisha called Tridha. Tridha picked up the phone and said that Janis had an accident with his brother.
    Lightning struck Anisha's head. He ran to Ion's house
    I went and saw Ion sitting in the drawing room. Bandage on the head.
    Anisha saw him and cried.
    Ion is surprised, why are you crying? Don't love me!
    Anisha grabbed Ayan and said, I love you!
    I have left a bunch of love in the garden of my mind for you !!!!!
    [I know the story didn't go well Even then I got your love. Thank you so much for that. ]
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