
in blurtstory •  4 years ago 

Millie's relationship with Shahid is long. Shahed has been living in Milli's house since his parents died when he was a child. Shahid's father and Millie's father were business partners and friends. Millie's father took over all the responsibilities of the friend's son. Shahid's father, mother and younger brother died in a car accident when he was four years old. Millie was born that year.


Shahed has known Mili for so long, he never thought he might have any problem. The inspector's idea seems wrong to him. When he returned home, he had to go to the police station with Millie's father. But when he reached home, he was surprised. The house is completely empty, there is no one. But the main gate is open. Shahed goes to his father's room, thinking that his father may have gone out for some work. Come back now.
He goes to his father's table to see if he has left any notes for him. But instead he gets a piece of paper, drawing a lot of strange signs and designs on the paper. But this is not his previous paper. Is this the second paper? Shahid keeps looking for the whole house for the first paper. He opens the drawer and finds the paper there.

Inspector Milli is being interrogated at the police station. Millie is fine now, but she can't remember what she did after regaining consciousness. I just remember someone with a long black sheet standing next to him. He doesn't remember anything after that.
'Does that mean you fainted after regaining consciousness?' Inspector Titkiri asked the question. Millie didn't say anything.
'Look, Mrs. Millie, you can get a lot of applause for telling ghost stories, but how do you think you can get away with this by telling this bad story? Tell me the truth about what happened, it will benefit you. '
'I'm really saying.'
'Then who was holding the doctor's throat? Your ghost? '
'As soon as I regained consciousness, I saw him at the police station. I don't know what happened in the middle, I heard it all from you. Is there any proof that you are telling the truth? '
The inspector grabbed a cigarette. Leaving the cigarette smoke, he said solemnly, 'Look, I believe you are innocent. You are not doing things of your own free will.

Your weak mental state is responsible for this. You stay here today, a psychiatrist will come to talk to you tomorrow. '
'You mean I'm crazy?'
'No. I can't say it. He will say that the expert will come tomorrow. Take a rest today. ' He stopped saying. What a sound. Milio heard the sound. Sounds like the roar of a wild animal. He was very scared. He has heard this word before. The day he fainted, the day he was in the kitchen with his mother.
The inspector said, 'Go to Manu Mia, see what's out there.' Habildar Manu Mia went outside and saw him and said, 'Sir, there is nothing outside. Empty darkness. I have never seen such darkness in my whole life. '
The inspector said, 'You talk too much. Go to your work. '
The roar was heard again, this time quite close. There were a total of seven people in the police station this night, all trembling with fear. The inspector checked the revolver's shots and said, 'Everyone will be alert. Looks like no wild beast is coming. If I see anything, I will shoot directly. '
In the meantime the current went out. The whole police station was plunged into darkness. The inspector heard at the meeting that his constables were screaming in agony. He hurriedly opened the drawer of the desk, then groped out the three-battery torch. He saw it burning, one of his constables lying a few feet in front of him, his eyes wide open, staring at the inspector. And a huge animal is tearing at his chest. It looks like a human, but huge, with hair all over its body. As soon as the light came on, it turned and jumped on the inspector. He fired, but to no avail. The torch went out.

As soon as Millie regained consciousness, she saw him lying on the bed in his own house. He fainted at the time of the incident at the police station. Now everything seems to be a dream to return to knowledge. Her father is standing next to her bed. Millie got up and went to sit down, but couldn't. Her hands and feet were tied to the bed. He looked at his father in surprise. Dad put his hand on Millie's forehead and said, 'Wait a minute mom. Then it will all be over. '
'What will end? Why are you tying my hands and feet? Where is Shahid? '
'I don't know where Shahid is. But it would not be right for him to stay here now. Why did I tie your hands and feet, that's all. There is still quite a bit left until dawn, it won't take long to tell the story.
When I started the business with Shahid's father, we didn't have much capital. We make a good profit with less capital. I decided next year that the business would have to grow. I started the service with big capital by mortgaging the land. But what was our fate, I was caught in such a trap of service, I had to lose everything and become a fakir of the path. Both of us were in a bad mood then, I don't know what to do. One of them said, you can get rich by black magic. We decided to try. I got an old book, I did everything I was told to do in it. But with one last job left, Shahid's parents and brother died. I do the last thing alone. A small child's skull needed to be buried with two designs of drawing paper. I do the work with the skull of Shahid's younger brother. As soon as I finished the work, I saw a tall man standing in front of me in a black sheet. He asked me what I wanted. I asked for a lot of money. He fulfilled my wish.
But a few days later, when you were in your mother's womb, your mother could see him. I was very scared to hear. I brought a man to solve the problem. After telling him everything, he said, we have another world beyond this world. Those who live there are so horrible, horrible, violent that we can only imagine a little. Among those creatures who are only of medium quality, if a person dreams of them even for a moment, he will go mad. There is a closed door between that world and our world, those creatures cannot cross this door. If we could, we would not be able to imagine the horrors that would befall us. He has some way to open the doors of the world. We did one of them. The one who has come for this is the lowest of the living beings, but his power is greater than that of any human being.
The man tried to send the creature back to his world. But could not. He was killed before that. I read the book without finding a way, there was a way to send the creature back. I did that. It's gone. But before leaving, he said, he will always keep an eye on you.
After your marriage, when the children in your womb began to die, I realized that it was all his job. My business situation was worse then, I couldn't handle the greed. I called him again. He came, but this time he offered me a new one. If I give you to him, he will give me a lot of wealth and give me new life. I can live much longer. One life instead of one life. '
Millie's father went to the table. Before leaving to pick up Mili from the police station, he left a piece of drawing paper there. He picked it up and started reading everything in a strange language. Millie's hundreds of cries, pleas and pleas did not reach her ears.
When he finished reading, he came in front of Millie. He turned his hand on Millie's head and said, 'Forgive me, mother.'
All around Shunshan has become silent. Suddenly the wind began to blow. Millie saw a tall man standing next to her in a black sheet. She took off the sheet. His face is horrible, his whole body is covered with thick hair. He started walking towards Millie. Millie's father looked the other way.
Meanwhile, a surprise happened. He screamed and sat down on the ground, as if he had been set on fire. Millie's father looked and saw Shahid standing at the door, the book burning in front of him. He ran to get the book. Shahed hit a house with a stick on his head, a house unconscious. The thing disappeared into the air as it screamed. The book was burnt to ashes by then. Shahid went and untied Millie's hands and feet.

Millie's father regained consciousness shortly after. When he regained consciousness, he saw Shahed and Mili standing by the bed with their hands and feet tied. Shahid began to say, 'The book you got about black magic is in the ancient Magali language. I knew some of that language. I doubt it when I open your drawer and see the book. I have heard the rest of your words in secret. '
Millie's father asked, 'Where is the book?'
'I saw it and burned it.'
'And the papers?'
'I'll talk about them later. As you said before, you said it takes the skull of a small child to open the door to another world. Whose skull did you take this time? '
Millie's father remained silent. Didn't say anything.
Shahid said, 'You killed our son Ratul, didn't you? You hid in our house that day. As soon as Millie went to the bathroom, you wrapped a scarf around Ratul's neck. Tell me, did you not do this? '
Millie's father remained silent again. Millie screamed and started crying. Shahid said, 'That's why Mili could see Ratul later. You also kept the papers in our house. You must have brought out Ratul's skull after his burial. Where is that? '
'Where the first skull was planted. Now tell me, where are the papers? '
'We burned them. '
As soon as Shahid said this, all around became silent. A little while ago a bird was calling with the news of dawn, his call also stopped.

Author:- Shoaib Bashar

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