My story of becoming a numismatist

in blurtstory •  4 years ago 

Blogging and story writing is not really my field, infact it always takes me 30mins even up to an hour to create a simple post. I guess it is not just my field aside from the fact that english is not my mother tongue but i know i can still be better that is why i am not consistent in my posting (i'm just roaming around commenting and upvoting).
Just this year as i started collecting silver coins where i started to share some of my silvercoin collection in blurt as well as in hivechain.

So today, as my way of giving thanks to the community i will be sharing you my story how i started to become a numismatist.

Two years ago i went back to my homeland (philippines) after 2years working abroad here in italy to propose to my girlfriend (now my wife).

Just last year we got married but 3 days before our marriage she gave me a 1975 phil coin. She told me told me that she had keep it for quite awhile. It was the last memory of her from her late mother when she was younger, that her mother always gave her some coins to buy some candies or sweets. That coin was the last one she received from her mother before she reunited with our creator. The sentimental value of the coin and the memories it holds of her late mom was the reason i rejected to accept it At first but she insisted and told me to keep it since i will be going back to italy, to keep it the way she keep my love and our promise to each other that everytime i will miss her i will just take a look at the coin and be reminded of our great love and the lifetime promise of being together as one. By then, for me all coins regardless of its face value has an unknown historical or sentimental value so i unknowingly started collecting coins. At first i fall inlove of the story of the coin until i fall inlove collecting coins.


The Actual Coin that my wife gave me 1975 5 Piso Coin

Thank You for spending your precious time reading this post 😊




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