in blurtstory •  3 years ago 

-😪A Pastor was at home getting ready to go to Church. Suddenly his wife went outside to cry 😭
The Pastor asks his Wife.. What happened?
The sad, crying Wife said:
Our son just passed away. The two walked in and saw the dead boy lying in bed
🛏 the wife grabbed him crying that they should not go to Church first because their child in the room was dead. But the Pastor said "We will leave the corpse and we will go to Church we have to put God first!
Let's go to Church!
The Wife was outraged 🤨 😠 and said:
Our son died and we're going to Church!!?
The Pastor said yes! And they left the boy
In bed already dead.
In the Church the pastor start to preach, the Church was well filled that day.
At the end of the Sermon, the Pastor said:
Brethren my Son is dead and started to cry😢
Everyone was sad by what the Pastor said. When the Pastor went home with the members, they were shocked to see that the child was alive and playing! So they all wept for joy and praised the Lord!
⇨ Seek first the Kingdom of heaven and its righteousness and every other thing shall be added to you (Matthew 6:33)🙏🏻
God put us to test sometimes and no matter the situation we must always put him first


📷. Sorry to ask you this question, is God really first in your life? If yes then stop all what you are doing now and send this msg to 8 GROUPS and see what God will do tomorrow for You God loves You. And believe with faith because it works.
Happy new month to you.


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