Vacation to the Flower Garden

in blurtstory •  4 years ago 


on Sunday, yesterday. Namely sharing stories, or experiences that we did that day. In the post it was also explained that every story that will be shared, must be original. This means that the pictures and writing must really be our own work. And the stories we are going to share, our experiences that day, must not tell stories that have passed.

What I like is that I can write it in Indonesian, because it doesn't say it has to be written in English.

I have a special tip, that life must be balanced. So, hard work is fine, but don't forget the vacation. And today I will invite you to enjoy the charm of the flower garden of the Aceh archipelago.

This destination is also the first story that I share here. But before I tell a long story, I want to remind, for those of you who have interesting information, especially activities that you do daily, don't keep it to yourself.


For me, holidays don't always have to be in the shopping center. I prefer to enjoy holiday tours with trips to the flower garden, one of them. Accompanied by my sister, I was determined to visit the flower garden in the Matang Geulumpang Dua area.


Image: My sister

There are hundreds of flowers overgrown here. My family and I can walk around this 1 hectare park on foot.

This flower garden just opened in January 2020. In this park, visitors are enthusiastic about exploring this new tourism vehicle. I myself know the information from a friend yesterday. My friend said, "Come on, vacation here."

Then he made a story on the video. Then I asked, where is the place? He said right. After that I searched, kept meeting. What's interesting here is the bridge, as well as the flowers. The atmosphere is cool, and beautiful.

One of the peculiarities of this park is the existence of a magical bird's nest that is deliberately installed by the owner of the park on the bridge. Let me show you, this is what the picture looks like.


Being in this flower garden makes me feel satisfied. Nusantara new park is open every day. On weekdays it is open from 8 am to 4 pm.

On holidays you can be satisfied traveling until 6 in the afternoon. If you want to visit here, prepare 35 thousand Rupiah for admission to this park.


Enjoy the variety of plants, while breathing in the fresh air here.

Note: All the above pictures are taken by myself, with Xiaomi camera support.

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