[POETRY] story

in blurtstory •  4 years ago 

We were both young once we first met.
I closed my eyes and a flashback began, you're standing on the balcony.

In summer, I see lights, I see parties, party dresses.

I walked through the gang, and said "Hello."

Little do i do know that you just are my daughter.

I threw a pebble, and your father said "Stay far from my daughter."

And you were crying on the steps, begging me "Don't go."

And you said, take me anywhere, for us to be together.

I said.

"All we've to try and do is run, i will be able to be your prince, and you may be my daughter."

This is a story.

Honey, say "Yes."

You sneaked into the garden to fulfill me.

We attempt to keep one's mouth shut, because we'll end, if they understand.

And you said,

So, close your eyes, run from this city for ages, because you're my prince, and that i am a sinner.

And your father said,

Stay away from my daughter

But you're my everything.

And you begged me, don't go.

And you said, "take me wherever you go, so we will be alone forever.

Agam, save me,

They try to manage my feelings.

This love is difficult, but real.

Don't be afraid, we are able to endure this mess.

This is our story, baby say "Yes."

You're getting bored with waiting, and asking me, am I coming ?

Your confidence starts to fade, after you see me within the suburbs.

And you said, prince, save me. I feel alone, I'm bored with expecting you, but you never came.

Is this just my fantasy ?

I don't know what you're thinking.

I knelt down and took out a hoop, and said,

Marry me Liza, and you'll never be alone.

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