Ice Empire

in blurtstory •  4 years ago 

'The advent of modern man is still hundreds of centuries away.'
My story is about the time when there are only two forces left in the whole world. All other forces are defeated.
The rest of the powers in the tyranny of the fire empire, either surrendered to the fire empire, or were reminded of the ice empire.
There was a strange connection between man and nature at that time. They were strong in the power given by nature.
The power of the fire empire is greater than all. The only ice kingdom is still fighting against them.
The Ice Empire has somehow survived the last invasion of the Fire Empire.
Everyone is terrified thinking what will happen in the coming future !!!
It is said that the god of fire, Mars, created the kingdom of fire. Mars was so angry that all the gods and goddesses were afraid of him. One day when the angry Mars rage set fire everywhere, the sea goddess Lisa came and stood in front of him. A fight started between the two opposite forces. Mars fell in love with the goddess Lisa as soon as he saw her. Mars admits defeat to Lisa.
Mars and Lisa are two seemingly opposite love stories. And since then, Mars' anger has been brought under control.
At that time, all the gods and goddesses used to come to the world from time to time. Lisa also accompanies her beloved Mars, when she comes to Earth for the Fire Empire. That's when the goddess Lisa created the ice kingdom on earth.
The ice kingdom is considered a symbol of peace and beauty for the goddess Lisa to create with her own hands. '


..................... Many still rely on the popular old saying that maybe the goddess Lisa and the god Mars are protecting the ice kingdom.
A very serious discussion was going on in the secret chamber of the huge palace of the fire empire. And a few days later the Crown Prince will receive the title of 'Emperor'. Emperor Wang wants to take the ice kingdom and the whole world into his own hands before his son becomes emperor.
Queen Yena and Princess Ila are surrounded by the fortunate priest Suko. But the Prince's Cross is nowhere to be seen in the vicinity. In fact, none of this comes from the cross. Moreover, the cross cannot tolerate the high priest Suko at all.
So this secret discussion has been arranged without the cross.
Suko sits with his head down for a while. Then he made a big sphere of fire between his hands and looked at her for a while. Then he suddenly said in a startled voice, If the tools in the hands of the Ice Empire do not come to you soon, then the future says, ....... The Ice Empire will be responsible for the whole world !!!! ”
Wang is furious and says angrily, “What a tool that the Ice Empire has, but we don't have !! We have all kinds of advanced tools. ”
Suko nodded, "This is not a tool, it's the emperor, this is the combined power of the goddess Lisa herself and the god Mars."
Wang clenched his fists and said quickly, "I want that power. I'm planning an attack right now !! .. "
Suko raises his hand and gestures to stop, saying, “King, that energy is dormant inside a human body. And only that person can use that energy. The day the man turns twenty, he will be able to use that huge amount of energy. But, ............ if he dies at the age of twenty, then that energy will automatically flow into his blood-tied partner. ”

Suko laughed at the devil's smile and said, "Wait, wait." You will kill, but before that take a look at the profit. Arrange for the marriage of Neo-Char, the great prince of the Ice Kingdom, with the future Emperor Cross. ”
Wang's two eyes lit up with anger. He grabbed Suko's throat with one hand and said, "What do you mean?"
When Queen Yena somehow managed the matter, she put her hand on Suko's neck and said, "Emperor, forgive me." Listen to my whole plan first. Then if you don't like it, punish me. ”
He paused and looked at everyone's faces and said,
“Prince Neo of the Ice Kingdom is a man of that special power. Since he is not yet 20 years old, neither he nor anyone else in the Ice Kingdom is aware of that power. At the moment, the Ice Kingdom is afraid to defend itself. If you take this opportunity to offer Cross's marriage to Neo as a condition of their agreement, they are bound to accept. Neo will step on 20 after 3 more months.
Byss, 6. Our job is just to bring Neo here, and to complete Neo's blood marriage with the cross.
Then the moment the moon rises over the head in the middle of the night, 6. When Neo steps 20, he will be killed in that special moment. And that huge power of Neo will then become that of the Emperor Cross. The ice empire will not even know how the ice empire will end in their hands. Then only the kingdom of fire will rule over the whole world. ”
At Suko's words, Wang's eyes twinkled with greed to be the ruler of the whole world.
Appreciating Suko's intelligence, Wang quickly got up for the next plan.
In his sleep, Neo kept moving back and forth. That dream came back in his sleep.
Neo is lying in a bloody body in a field. The place is so dark that you can't understand the place well. From a distance, the angry screams of some people came out. Neo's whole body trembled with fear at the intensity of that scream. Frightened by the sound of the sword, he closed his eyes and waited for death. Just then a tall sturdy body came right in front of him through the darkness. He turned his back on Neo and shouted at everyone in front of him. That shout was so loud that Neo felt as if all the words were silent for a moment.
The unfamiliar voice roared, "No one can take Neo away from me. If necessary, unite all the armies of the world. I swear by the god Mars, I will finish everyone. ”
Neo tries to lift his head off the ground to see the handsome young man survive, but when Neo's gaze goes from the fresh blood-stained sword in his hand to his face, Neo wakes up.
Get up and sit down. Her whole body is shaking. Neo has been dreaming of this every night for the past three months. Every time he looked at the face of the unknown young man, his sleep was shattered. The most frightening thing in the dream was the name of the god Mars who came out of the mouth of that young man. Everyone knows that the worship of the god Mars is the kingdom of fire.
No one could have imagined that an unknown young man of the Fire Empire would save the Prince of the Ice Empire.
So Neo's dream is a fictional nightmare.
But why does he dream the same thing over and over again? Why can't he see that unknown young man again and again? Who is that young man? Is Goddess Lisa sending any evil message to the Ice Kingdom through this dream !!!
Neo's thoughts cannot be complete. The emergency bell rang in the palace of the Ice Empire. This hour means that all adult members of the royal family must go to the meeting room now.
Neo gets up and tries to make himself as fast as possible. He is the great prince of the ice kingdom. But Neo is very weak from birth. This is the ice armor. In such a way everyone in the fire empire can make fire armor. Neo doesn't think of himself as the next ice king .. although everyone in his empire loves him very much .. they want him as the next king. It is said that on the day Neo was born, a blue flame was burning on the ice on the top of the palace. That blue glow was there for 7 days in a row. Everyone thinks Neo is blessed with the blessings of Goddess Lisa.
But Neo feels frustrated with his own weakness. Everyone in the royal family has their own control over the ice. But he can't control himself. Neo got angry thinking all this. It was raining outside. He looks out of the window in anger, and suddenly the water droplets turn to ice and freeze in one place. He moves his head to the right slowly, and those ice spots also move to the right. Neo's eyes are now snow white .. and now out of his control.
Suddenly, Neo's mother, Queen Emma, ​​grabbed Neo by the scruff of the neck and shook him violently. Neo suddenly returns to this world.
Emma puts her hand on Neo's head and says, "Everything will be fine."
Emma trembled in her mind thinking of the message of the fire empire this morning. Everyone has been urgently called to talk about that message.

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