Religious Story of Golden Era || Breast Feeding Law

in blurtstory •  4 years ago 


According to Islam, the last and greatest prophet is Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him). The Prophet died fourteen years ago. After his death, 4 of his close companions ruled Islam and ruled the state. They are called caliphs. And these four are the best caliphs among all other caliphs next to them. The second caliph, Hazrat Omar (R) was a very clever, courageous and kind caliph. We find some instructive facts from his life story. Just as it is very instructive from a religious point of view, these events are instructive for all of us in the context of our social life. So, I will share some incidents of Hazrat Omar in succession. Hopefully you can learn something new from these events and find some brilliant examples of working for humanity.

Source :

Today's Story

One day there were some people coming to Madina for travelling purpose. And all of them stayed just beside the city. So, they needed some protection for night. Khalif Omar (R) himself was one of the members who worked to night for protecting them. Most of the cases, he used to do so. By employing some other on this job, he could not feel comfort because he thought that protecting people from danger and any attach is his prime duty as a ruler.

He was walking around different tents. Suddenly he listened crying of a baby. Immediately he went there and saw the mother is not feeding breast to child. That’s why the child was crying so badly. He just told that mother to stop the kid crying. Women tell Omar to go to his business rather looking into this matter. Omar goes away for a while. After a while he come back to that place and saw that child is still crying. So, he again asked the mother why she is not feeding breast to her child. She replied in that way that the khalif Omar has enacted a law which specified that the child who is eating breast will not get allowance from the government fund.


For this reason, she is doing so. After listening these the khalif felt very sorrow to himself. And then he immediately decided to change the law by thinking that for his law how many children might be suffered in this way. He felt very sorrow by himself. As he was very kind ruler, he changed the decision immediately. He decided that because earlier decision was considering the financial condition of the fund of government and later on also another decision which is considering the fact can happen due to this decision. This was the way of leading.

This was the condition of the rulers at that time!!!

Thank you very much for reading my post.

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Briefly My Introduction

Myself Mukta from Cumilla, Bangladesh. A housewife and Studying Bengali literature. I am fond of spending time with family. Love to travel different beautiful natural locations. My common hobby is watching movie whether it is Bengali or Hindi, no problem.

Blurt is my favourite media to share my opinions, thoughts, ideas and anything I like to share. The community of blurt is very helpful and some nice people I have got here although I’m new and part timer here. I want to go a long distance with blurt, my blurt friends.

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